This may be the first time in history that a pro was interviewed and talked about getting benefits from moving his fins. Enjoy!
This may be the first time in history that a pro was interviewed and talked about getting benefits from moving his fins. Enjoy! may be the first time in history that a pro was interviewed and talked about getting benefits from moving his fins. Enjoy!
He’s one of the few pro surfers with the brains to properly manage the task on his own.
So what he actually said is that he moved his trailer tward the tail of the board.
By doing this he somewhat increased the surface area of his group of fins.
This allowed for more grip (drive) off the water.
The sacrifice was quick turns (looseness).
Watching the heat it seemed his board was still turning good. I’m guessing he was getting abit more squirt out of the board. The thing is that boards have changed so much in the last 20 years and we’re still putting the fins in relatively the same place. With waves being so different from spot to spot, and all surfers surfing differently…it really doesn’t make much sense to have them fixed in one position. At the very least adjustable fins give the customer at least some option at fine tuning his/her board to where it feels best for them. The guys at probox see this benefit also. Cheers Jim
if you watch nox surf he ould be slipping around if a board was to loose,