Admiral Melville assignment

wow page two whadda concept I thought my shapers definition got lost keith but its on page two of the glossary thread will wonders never cease…Dr Paler ,what depths are yet to be revealed? I am annealed struck in awe and then tempered with a dip in brine… ambrose…short form: WOW


… I am annealed struck in awe and then tempered with a dip in brine… ambrose…short form: WOW

uh, does that mean it’s a forgery??

uh forgery? got me i was litterally gape jawed for at least 45 seconds before I got that… good one doc… ten points … on the ten point scale … though i believe that I was forged though yes forgery was the litteral tecnique in use…ambrose…and paler was the smithy

i had hoped that you’d enjoy that, being a gent who enjoys words…

doc, in the midst of keyboard trauma

you guys are a couple of chestnuts…

or just case hardened… just hope it’s not horse chestnuts.

as in, under the spreading chestnut tree…the village shaper stands… but, if you were horse chestnuts, would you have to be shoed? (or is that only horse flies?) Ahh, it doesn’t bother me…

under the spreading chestnut tree… well, close… palm tree ok, or your basic palapa?

actually, one of my younger brothers is something of a blacksmith. though he tends to set up under a locust tree.

doc… no particularly fixed address…