Advice on adding a tail block

The tail of my daily driver (9’6") has been repaired several times. Cosmetically speaking, it is not a pretty sight.  My remedy is to chop off a few inches and replace with a tail block.  The blank is PU, the block will be wood of some stripe or another.  What do you suggest as a bonding agent?

Thanks in advance.


Resin, lam or sanding.      5 min Epoxy.    Gorilla Glue.       Do not use a hot glue gun.

I like a nice thick coat of five minute epoxy. you will be putting a good bit of pressure on the block when shaping it.  Lam resin is also good. You can “clamp” the block on with tape.

Put on lots of em with hot glue. It was a good 3m type not the Home Depot cheap stuff. You just need a little line in the center so it does not spread all over the place. But I started using Gorllia glue slower and you have to tape em on etc the finished product is much nicer. I shape the blocks while on the board  after they are stuck on.