I’m in the process of shaping my first foam board, from a large chunk of EPS foam I found in the garbage. Board is gonna be a small fatty, aiming for something like 5’2 x 20 1/4’’ x 2 1/2’'. Its for small mushy surf, often short period. I have limited experience coming from ding repairs, replacing fin boxes, putting together snapped boards and building a hollow wooden surfboard.
I have been looking into different grovellers and fish shapes for inspiration. Especially boards by Dan Mann (baked potato etc) and the new line by Rob Machado (Gofish, Midas, Moonbeam).
I’m looking to add a channel similar to the Machado boards, small wings to keep a straight railline but reduce tail width. Maybe try to get a bit of V in the last part after the wings and a thinned out tail.
With the fins Im not really sure what to do. My Initial thought was to add 3 fin boxes for thruster and 2+1 setups. But looking for reference I found other options in quads, twins and singles. What is your general thoughts of a fin setup that could match this board? Thanks.
I have added photos of references, my plans and the board so far.
Wide tail boards in general seem to place the rear center fin farther back than narrow tails. For example the Firewire 5-8 sci-phi, which is almost 16 inches wide in the tail, the rear fin is 2 3/4’’ off the extreme end point in the tail and the front fins are 11’’ from the tail end point. Also note the side fins are 1 inch inboard of the true outline which is 1/8th to maybe a 1/4 inch farther out from the stringer than more high performance boards.
Its all preference, but for me I place the rear fin directly under my back foot when I’m stomping on the tail pad (3.25 inches on high performance grovelers) and the side fins about 7 3/4 - maybe 8 inches, in front of that, 1.25 inches inside the true outline, with about 3/16 to maybe 1/4 of toe angle. More toe to turn, less for drive.
But its probably best if you simply rip the fin placement dims off an actual board.
Any of the placements you have shown will work on that shape. It’S all preference and how you intend to ride the finished board. Seems like every time I do a 4 or 5 fin board I vary my placement based on the shape and it’s length. A standard for a Thruster is 3 or 3 1/2" to the rear of the center fin and 11 or 11 1/2" to the rear of the side fins. Toe and Cant can be 1 1/4 to 1 1/2" at the rear of the base to 1/8–1/4 Toe. Anywhere from 0 —9 degree Cant. Others may disagree and they are welcome to it.
Thanks alot. Ill try to transfer the dims from another board and compare it to those measures you mention. Would you go for quad, tri, 2+1 or twin on a board like this? I would really like it as a twin, I just dont know how that would work with the tail and general outline, most references I have found has got some kind of fish/swallow tail.
i got nothing on the fin placement, but the project looks epic.
Actually tell a lie, i have a really good set of fin placements for a wide tail quad, ill track it down and post it later. could take me a bit, if its on my phone ill post it at lunch.
But quad would be best i think.
sk8ment - just hit this old thread via a Google search for fin placement discussions…
I wonder what the length of the board was for that placement you posted with the pic – guessing 162-172 cm, somewhere in there?