Advise on surfboard build

You learned fast! As said, BoardCad is a nice tool and its easy to understand how it works.

Regarding the shape, I think it will work, but I’m more a builder, not a shaper, maybe there are other guys here to give you some input.

I would just recommend one thing. I did more or less the same, I build my first boards using a lot of nice features, but I would give you the advice to start with a very easy shape, meaning bottom all flat. A flat bottom works too and it is much easier to build. 

As fast as you tried to understand BoardCad, it shows me, that you will get hooked on board building, so there will be at least some to follow the first board. An in ervery build somthing goes wrong, you need to learn and get experience. I have build more than about 10 woodies now, and in all build there are flaws, fortunately they are smaller and smaller each time and only I do see them, the most people do not. And I still have ideas, which need to be tested, which are potential risks to fail…

So go slow, start easy.

REgarding your build I would ask you to look for, but in the moment, the site is down. This would be the place for you to discuss all build features, Sways for me is the place to discuss shapes. Hope that wbf (woodboardforum) will work again soon (See Thread WBF down…)



Thanks for the reply, your advice is on point! 


If you are planning to build more than one board, I would suggest, you build yourself a rocker table. Although it is definitely not necessary, it helps a lot. MIne is 2,50 long allowing for boards up to that length. 

The good thing about the rocker table is that it sets the rocker throughout the entire build, which is extremly helpful, if you press deck and bottom onto the ribs, the abouve mentioned tendeny, that the board changes its rocker due to internal wood tensions is diminished.

A rocker table is nothing else than a woodden frame with threaded rods on each side. A nut goes onto each rod and another vertical piece of wood combines the rods on each side of the frame. I added a plank of thin flexible plywood, which is covered with some blue plastic to avoid that something stucks onto during gluing and added a secondary vertical bar, to be able to press the things down.

Get your rocker defining stringer and adjust the bottom matching the rocker and use a water level to balance the nuts on both sides.

This is my last and by now best build board. I used a goretex vent and it works beautifully…