I’m having Bilateral Inguinal Hernia surgey (lower abdomen) on 9/2.

When can I surf again? Any advice will help (recoup/exercises etc.)

                                                        This Sucks.Thanks, CMP


Be wise, ask the doctor. The only one who could know! 2nd option: 2nd opinion if the doctor says nothing.

Better to be save than sorry!!

You've got a long time to wait. You can tell when you've been overstraining the injury from the recurring pain that comes with the mini overstrain. You'll think you've split the whole thing open again.  Trying the board will be way down the line of recovery issues, you need to be careful for just doing the dishes and don't even think about lifting the wet laundry. You'll know when you can try paddling around in some flat water or baby waves, getting to your feet will be another issue, falling off another, lugging the board another, watch out for getting out beyond the point of overdoing it, the next day will tell, and you might not be able to try fooling with the board for another 3 weeks of laying on your back. Xtra easy and slow is what works for that injury.

used to work in the state vocational rehabilitation program.  construction workers would come in with hernia injuries and no health insurance. we would purchase the surgical procedure from contracted physicians so they could go back to work.  usually took 6 weeks before they returned to the job.

Sorry to hear the news. I’ll be busy during september, but if there is anything I can do to help you out, let me know. I’m sure Bernie will be there for you as well.

May God bless you and get you back on your feet ASAP.

Aloha, Harry

My advice: Get into physical therapy as soon the Dr. says after surgery.  This way you can monitor your progress with an experienced rehab person instead of just doing it by yourself.  Plus they'll send you home with excercises to practice.  Also, get in to a pool... there will still be resistance there but def not as much as the ocean has. 

Just remember to listen to what the Dr. says (both Physician and PT)... even though we all seem to be hardheaded sometimes and think we know whats best for ourselves. 


I am in school to be a Dr. of PT. :)  call me in a few years.

peace. whitney.

Two months out of the water is a blink of the eye.  After a 10 years surfing in the Santa Cruz area, I recently had to move to Las Vegas, NV to take a job in the current economy.  No ocean, just lot's of beach (desert).  Be thankful that you will be back at it in a short while.

charlie is that you?

if so welcome back to this crazy place!

still making balsa-skinned boards?

too bad its with this news but based on discussions on another forum (thumper) it seems like it may be from 3-6 weeks. but I’d probably wear those xcel neoprene paddling shorts for a while for support around the groin area.

like my brother said just holler if you need any heavy lifting  help around your place we’re just 5 minutes away

give your wife and daughters our family’s aloha

take care


Welcome back! It may not be that bad, my friend had double hernia surgery and he was back surfing (carefully) in a month or so. Your mileage may vary!!
Take care,

Are you a 60 yr old tsimpson from Anaheim ?

Sorry I’m not that cmp.I guess I’ll have to change my name.



I'm having Bilateral Inguinal Hernia surgey (lower abdomen) on 9/2.

When can I surf again? Any advice will help (recoup/exercises etc.)

                                                        This Sucks.Thanks, CMP




is an open procedure?

or is it being done laparoscopical?

former scrub  amedical rep...i know

and it also depends on your current health,

do you smoke,etc, etc...blah..blah

and really being a compliant patient..

took six months for my mcl to heal

because i wouldn't stay out of the water...

tore my bicep muscle 4 weeks ago,

have been out since...

been on my best beahvior going to pt, rehabing it,

and i will be able to go out next week..

good luck...


sorry, not tsimpson from Anaheim.

I forget how long it took, but as suggested above, follow doctor’s orders.  My surgery was about 2 years ago (at 58 years of age) and I’ve had no trouble with it since I healed up, including when I ride my 25-pound noserider.  I got the Gortex double “donut” patch.

Best of luck for a speedy recovery and return to the water.