
Looks like another spambot joined up!

yeah, its been several times a week lately, 40 - 50 posts a whack, sometimes twice a day, and with the current set of glitches the moderators now have to delete spam one at a time, a very tedious process involving clicking through several pages. And we can no longer ban spammers, as the user pages are unavailable. I have appealed to Mike Paler to get this straightened out, as it is a huge burden on the moderators to keep deleting this crap, but I have no real communication with him, so all I can do is post here, and on the moderators’ page, and hope eventually he’ll see it and get this sorted out, so that we can delete spam en masse, and ban spammers, like we used to.

Add a captcha to the sign up form.

thanks, Mike Paler is the only one with access to do that, hopefully he’ll read this

Atomized! You still around? Miss your expertise on spraying and coloring.
All the best


Bummer about the glitches meaning you can only delete individual posts, but as a way of clearing the spam threads off the forums so the users don’t have to deal with them, can the mods create a new subforum called simply “Spam threads” and move the offending threads there?

Would keep them all in the one spot to make them easy to do the deletes and gives the mods a quick and easy way to “clear” the forums whenever the spammers do their thing.

Keep up the good work & Cheers!

Incredible. I saw those on Instagram and was smitten. Do you post on IG?

all the best

Atomized, thanks for posting. When I got here, you were one of the posters that showed me what was possible. Thanks for sharing.