Air bubbles in gloss coat

I Have shaped and glassed 4 boards, 3 of which I only put a sanded finish and one finished with a gloss coat. My problem is the gloss coat has air bubbles. my question is what causes this and how do I prevent or fix this problem?

Howzit Shawn, Are they air bubbles or pin air holes. If they are air bubbles then the blank is venting gas but that should have been noticed when you hot coated the board. If they are pin air then it was probably air bubbles that were caused when brushing the gloss on and they will hopefully be gone when you fine sand and polish the board. I had one a while back that was blowing big bubbles when I hotcoated and I would pop the bubbles and they would re bubble again and again, so I marked the spots and after the H.C cured I sanded the spots and sealed with a cabosil/resin mix. When I gloss I keep an eye on the board for bubbles and pin air and try to put a drop of resin on the hole to plug it before the gloss kicks, another preventive step is to sweet coat the bottom before hot coating to fill any potential air. If they are on the deck and it’s your own board the wax will seal them and nobody but you will know they are there. good luck. Aloha,Kokua

They are pin air bubbles. I use sun-cure resin so that I have plenty of time to get the resin right. Someone told me that I could use a hair dryer to move the bubble to the surface and that the blow dryer would pop the bubble.

Howzit Shawn, I think the problem might be that with UV you may have kicked it off before the bubbles had time to rise to the surface and pop, This is one reason I never use UV with glossing resin.The air bubbles form as you brush the resin.Aloha,Kokua

Thanks for the advice kokua, What I might try is giving it alot more time befor kicking off.

                                                                  Thanks, shawn

Hey Kokua,

I got pin air all over my final coat which didnt start coming out till the 800 paper. Wouldnt be a problem but the board is carbon fibre and it shows. Really small ones brah. Looks like stars. I used epoxy for the final coat. Im about to start polishing it but im affraid that the polish when it gets into the pinholes will seal in the white spots. Its there anyway to disolve this out with DNA or acetone? What should I do before I polish and after to fix this problem. Also, going forward, how can I avoid this. I hit the final with a heat gun quickly to pop the bubbles but these ones were not even noticable and I guess were deep. I mixed in DNA to my final epoxy coat to thin it out, just a little for better flow. Is this the cause? Thanks in advance for all the help brah.