air pockets on glass

i glassed a couple of boards and i got some air pockets on the deck & were the lap from the bottom rolls over is there some trick to fill in before i hot coat the boards, thanks

look over your entire board first. check for any more dry spots. mix up a small batch of lam. resin. then go around and dap at the spots with a brush. for heavy air bubbles, you can either cut them out or use a plastic syringe to fill in resin. they sell them at most marine stores. any more ?'s, just ask/. good luck…

look over your entire board first. check for any more dry spots. mix up a > small batch of lam. resin. then go around and dap at the spots with a > brush. for heavy air bubbles, you can either cut them out or use a plastic > syringe to fill in resin. they sell them at most marine stores. any more > ?'s, just ask/. good > luck… Add some styrene to the lam. resin,it will penetrate better.

Add some styrene to the lam. resin,it will penetrate better. how much styrene do you add to 1 qt. of resin

Why a whole qt.? I would just work the areas that have air.Make some test batches with small amounts.I don’t use the same mixture for all situations. I’m wondering if the problem was caused because the lap wasn’t taken down enough. Not only do you get air but you compromise the tubular rail strength of the board. Ther are 2 things that cause air: 1. you did’t squeegee the air out or 2. you squeegeed to much of the resin out. I know this may sound a little strange, but it’s the nature of the beast and one reason fiberglass lamination isn’t an easy task.I don’t know what your experience level is but I do know that people can be so concerned with the time factor involved that they miss some steps or rush them. Try UV resin or just glass alot of boards.