Have an Astro siphon spray gun, always clean it after each use with water in the clamp-on 1 quart cup. Haven’t used for a year, Tried it yesterday and plenty of air but no paint. Can’t seem to unscrew the retaining ring to get the air cap off off to see if it’s clogged. The ring unscrews about one turn then stops because it’s hitting the air cap. Tried to unscrew the air cap but does it unscrew?
Any ideas?
Also, I can get tap water to flow thru the cup lid assembly ok.
The tip of the gun looks like it has some rust on it …will try soaking…
The rust is most likely your culpret. Soak the tip in vinegar instead, it will break down the rust. I’d soak for an hour, then test. If no improvment, soak for another hour. I think you’ll clear it up. It just may take a few soakings.
Unscrew the aircap/nossle, remove the spray tip, pull out the needle, remove the syphon assembly. Soak all those parts in a solvent like acetone or paint thinner. Ream the syphon tube and the paint channel from the syphon tube to the tip. If the gun has leather packing washers , soak them it in machine oil to recondition them.
Toss the thing into the trash. Go to Harbor Freight and buy another cheap one. Those Astros are cheap Chinese knockoffs of Binks #7 guns. The time you’ll spend trying to trouble shoot/fix one is not worth the $$ or the fustration. I recently bought 5 of those things @ $15 a piece. The paint gun rebuild kit they sold was $30.
Howzit Moku, When cleaning after spraying add some Simple Green to the water for a real good cleaning. Another thing is can you remove the needle, if so clean it good for better spraying. I f that doesn’t work you can buy a new noozle and needle for it.Aloha,Kokua
well, it’s a siphoning problem, turn it upside down and water spays great, back to regular position and nothing. it’s for a real small project - stencil, will use upside down, probably toss it buy another cheapie from HF thanks room
Howzit Moku, Now I have a better idea of what’s happening. I bet it’s the little round gasket the needle passes through, it’s in the front of the hole you put your finger in while spraying. Some sprayers use a cork gasket and some use plastic and if it’s buggered then it can’t suck the paint due to a leak. You may be able to clean it or just replace it, but that’s where your problem is. Just unscrew the cap and the gasket is there. Back in the days I worked in boat yards we saw this all the tme because guys didn’t clean the gasket after spraying gelcoat. I would also suggest getting a gravity feed sprayer, work a lot better with less PSI. Fiberglass Hi carries them or Home depot has them for around $70.Aloha,Kokua