Airbrush Paint Wipes Off

Just finished some boards then airbrushed them. Using the right paint and blew off the boards but after airbrushing the boards feel dusty and the paint can be brushed off. Anyone have the same problem and know how to fix??

You need to add more water to your paint mix. On dry Santa Ana weather conditions like we have been experiencing the last few days, the paint will tend to dry before it hits the surface your’e painting. It will dry powdery and rub off easily. Your member profile states that your’e in San Juan Capo and I paint boards in San Clemente so I’m guessing the weather’s been the same for you.

Howzit MADTAKO, What kind of paint, tempra or acrylic? Never had or heard of this problem before but then again it is never very dry on Kauai. Aloha,Kokua

Thanks for answer. Makes sense. Has been very dry…

Anyway to save what has been painted? Top coat of something or start over??

Using Tempera. Normally works great but has been very dry. Makes sense drying too fast.

Thanks for reply. Which paint do you like best.

Howzit MADTAKO, I have used both tempra and acrylics but mosty acrylics. The thinned out elmers glue is one good trick for making tempra stick.Aloha,Kokua

When it’s was cold and rainy like it was two weeks ago, I’d do the opposite and use less water in the mix.

Anyway to save what has been painted? Top coat of something or start over??

That depends on what you painted. With large areas, for example solid colors or fades, try light sanding the loose paint off with a 220 grit sanding screen (you can buy them at Bashams in SC) backed with a soft piece of foam rubber. Then blow the dust off real well with an air hose. Then you can repaint the surface.

Also, try adding some Future floor polish or Matte Medium to the Tempera. It will improve the binding quality of Tempera paint.

Howzit Atomized, Here’s another trick. When doing over spray fades paint the deck with a light coat of white, the over spray will stick to it better than sticking to just the foam. This work better than spraying acrylic on the paint to seal it. Aloha,Kokua

Right On Kokua. You mean paint the blank with some white before putting on colors?.

Howzit Atomized, Here's another trick. When doing over spray fades paint the deck with a light coat of white, the over spray will stick to it better than sticking to just the foam. This work better than spraying acrylic on the paint to seal it. Aloha,Kokua

Hey thanks. That’s the thing l always do on full fades or there’s a good chance the laminator might smear the paint job with the squeegee when doing the lap.

Good luck tomorrow with the operation!

Figured out one mistake made. I applied a tack coat like you would if you were painting a car. With the dry air and a thin tack coat I was then just painiting on top of dry powder that was not stuck to anything.

Lightly sanded off and re-painted. Came out sick!

How sick exactly? Any pictures?
