airbrushed quad

davo’s board…first airbrush job and im just dying to try and post a pic and see if it works…theres one white spot that i just taped over and missed…i guess i was too excited…hope the pic works

I’m no art critique.

Did you airbrush the sanded lam coat?

Wondering, cause the fins are installed.

Unusual, to say the least, airbrushing is normally on blank.

the picture was taken after airbrushing and after futures were installed but before lamination.


Careful glassing all those wings. Have some glass patches ready cut laying around.

Tough colors.


the picture was taken after airbrushing and after futures were installed but before lamination.

Are futures installed before laminating? I never heard of any hardware installed before laminating.

Yes futures are installed before the lamination. Sometimes glasses with extra patches before the actuall lam to provide extra stability.

Looks like the stringer wasn’t taped off, that could be a problem.

Congratulations Jake on successful photo posting…here’s to future photo posts…cheers !

…now, get that camera BUSY !!! [I want to see that old mal…before and after shots …ohhhh… yeeeaaahhh !!]

And , well done on the bright board , Dave…yeah, " keep 'em bright in the 2000’s !! "

80’s revisited “chipman” (with the orange glare machine stubbie…)