Airbrushing problems

I’m trying to figure out a way to airbrush with acrylic paint, Stripes butted up next to eachother. I usually mask out the area i want to paint. Shoot the color the mask off the color area i just shot and do the next color. The problem I’m having is when i tape off the next color that is butted up to the color i want to shoot. The tape want’s to pull up color off the board leaving tape lines. What is the best way to stop this, thanks-josh

Here is a picture of what kind of board work Im talking about

hey joshmjosh if your pulling up the paint with the tape, go ahead and make your self a template and spray over that. just make sure the template doent lift up so you dont get over spray. and if you do get a little over spray come back in with a touch up airbrush and spray that area.

You can use a variable temperature heat gun to soften the adhesive on the tape as you’re pulling the tape off. On polyurethane, you can use the high heat settings. On EPS, you have to be careful and use the lowest heat setting. Don’t hold the heat gun too close or, over one area for too long because you will burn the blank. I use a Wagner digital heatgun that I got at Lowes for $40.,43300,747.html

How about doing a foam stain for the stripes and airbrushing the larger solid color area?  I think that's what I'd do, but then again, I am partial to using resin where ever possible as opposed to paint..  The tape normally wont pull up the color of a foam stain.

Hey josh,

If you are working with EPS sealed with spackle, it happens almost every time (heat gun or not, it was a crapshoot for me every time, and I no longer do it). Much less so with EPS sealed with epoxy/micro, but you can still get paint pulling up if you don’t let the paint dry fully before masking for the next color…

To avoid all the tape pulling paint problems, spray or do resin panels on the sanded hotcoat. If the paint is fully dry and was thinned with Future, you will not pull it up with subsequent masking (at least I haven’t). For paint to fully dry takes longer than most people think. If you can still smell the Future scent, it isn’t dry yet…be patient.


I’m using poly blanks and i do thin out my acrylics with futures. I think the heat idea will work

Howzit josh, If it's a poly board then spray your paint then after the paint dries spray a couple of coats of clear krylon acrylic on the paint. after it dries then pull the tape and then tape over the painted area, after that paint dries then use the heat gun to pull that tape. As for styro blanks and epoxy I don't know if this process will work, maybe a test first.Aloha,Kokua

…sometimes there s hot in the room and in a few hours the tape pull off alone

may be you think, few hours? yes, if the airbrush is a complicated one, put heavy layers of color and leave dry very well

then you can tape on it without too much problem

by the way in that pict the stripes seems like resin panels not airbrush


Always the clear laquer over the top of your colour before re-masking it over for the next coat. Its a must…theres nothing quite as disappointing as a section of colour ripped away by tape over.
