!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aired a 5'-10" HWS Yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The previous rider said it didn’t surf(work).

Must not be much of a waterman.

I caught like 20 waves and had no problems getting it to go,including a good 3 foot boost air and floater re-entry,tubes,cutbacks…

…It rode KILLER !


I’ll get in before ben, pics please! haha. Lucky you herb, wish that’d happen to me.


The previous rider said it didn’t surf(work).

Must not be much of a waterman.

I caught like 20 waves and had no problems getting it to go,including a good 3 foot boost air and floater re-entry,tubes,cutbacks…

…It rode KILLER !


So cool!

That’s what I’m talking about!!! Good to see you yesterday EastPac.

Rich G

That’s a huge dog.Imagine Herb walking up and repo’in that board.Classic.

no doubt the guy is a kook. good on ya herb!!!

Man , I hope that wasn’t one of Jensens boards. I heard that they fall apart upon contact with water and are deemed to therefore be unsurfable.


He’s a pup !

At a buck an a quarter.

And just hittin’ his second growin’ spurt.

A St.Pyre-Berner = Great Pyrensis-Bernise Mt.Dog-Saint Bernard= Koa…16 mo. old.(The majority of his bloodline is Pyre.This breed grows slowly over a 3-5 year period.).

Maddi is the other,she’s a Nova Scottia Duck Tolling Retriever or AKA ,“Tollers”…She’s like 15 months and wt’s in at 60lbs,and surfs.

ps…I always walk them together, so when I’m not surfin’, I getting dragged around the hood !

Thanks to Epac for posting the pic !

Pray for waves !

…FOOTAGE please herb !!

when i read this , i got so excited i, too, boosted an air

[mine , however, was on dry land … en route to “the little office” …and i blew some more airs THERE , too, prior to dropping the kids off at the pool [if you get my [tail] drift !]

Now that’s attitude Herb!!!

Well done!!!

Beautiful dogs.Look at him looking at you over the fence,that’s love.He’s gonna be a big boy!


Or was it?

I don’t have any memory of it and if I did…

…I would not be able to disclose any information at this time.


Where are those pics?


Looks as if epac edited them out of his post for one reason or another…oh well .




Looks as if epac edited them out of his post for one reason or another…oh well .


I sent them to you Herb. I personally don’t like to leave pictures I’ve posted up for too long. Sometimes things turn to scrambled eggs on the net.

Thanks E !


I don’t know if or how long you have the board, but perhaps a Jensen demo day out at

Huntington or something is in order here?

It would had to have been today.

I’m passing the board over tomorrow ,up the coast.

PM me if you’re interested is the where’s ,and when’s .



I still have it.

Missed the op to pass it on ,due to unforeseen occurences.

Will try and get it up the coast next week.




I still have it.

Missed the op to pass it on ,due to unforeseen occurences.

Will try and get it up the coast next week.


Great stuff Herb. Can’t believe I just figured out which board this was!