AKU Fish Template

Hi guys,

I'm after a AKU fish template with a swallow tail (arse crack) design. I won't be coping the design because I have my own dims. I'm just having trouble designing the swallow tail on AKU. If someone would be as kind to send me a file I can then adjust the dims on AKU to suit. This way I can print out my template and go from there. Hope someone can help.




I always shape the board first, then template the fish tail. There’s a process I use that’s applied to any twin keeled fish size and shape that gets a beautiful, functional result every time. PM me if you’re interested.



Ever been to the AKU website and looked at the sample board files?

maybe, might, you should


here you go...


the trick with swallow tails is to play with the yellow and red dots

open the file you'll see.

I'm not sure if it works with the cnc but for printing templates it's good




I tried to attach a file ,  how do you do it these days? 

Yea Otis, I have been there. Even their fish sample is a round tail.

Thanks for replying mate,



The free fish sample board is a round tail?

Those bastards!

I reviewed all the sample fish files for Shape3d and they are all ‘sawed off’ square tails.

I have the AKU ‘open all files’ feature, …could have helped.

i.e. find one for Shape3d and you’ve got it!



ok that didnt work. pm me your email and i'll send you one 


take a brd file, change it to .txt      and it should attach.

Could be that if its a .jpg, there is image software/function checking its size or validity.


So for instance this file would need to be changed to .s3d

Open(browser,etc) and save it appropriately and I’m hoping its just fine…mine was.



I always shape the board first, then template the fish tail. There's a process I use that's applied to any twin keeled fish size and shape that gets a beautiful, functional result every time. PM me if you're interested.


Yes...I use common household items like buckets or cups...Keel fins work great too. Freehand curves with 3m tape are best!



Thanks everyone for your help.

I have 3 short boards for some kids I need to get done before Xmas and the wife has put a blackban on the shaping room between Xmas and newyear (a real pain seeing I won't be at work for that time). Lets hope there are some Xmas cyclone swells hitting out coast line.

I'll get straight onto my fish in the new year...I've already ordered the blank!

Thanks again, and stay turned for some results.


There’s a specific geometry I’m after when I template my swallows, so I have a “system.” The result yeilds a specific percentage of material removed from the last foot of tail. Maybe it’s a bit complicated, and some say unnecessary, but works great and looks awsome.

I thought using the nose curve for the inside curve to the tail gave that classic look.

Interesting concept dlock! Would be interested to see how it turns out!

Cool thing is the nose curve on most all my fish wind up at around 6" naturally using it. Thought all ya all did it that way. Anyway ledge draw it out full size and see for yourself, you might like it.