Aku Shaper Finbox Placement

I’ve handshaped a few boards and want to give the CNC a try. I’m brand new to AkuShaper and have completed a number of tutorials online.

I have the board completed with the exception of the finboxes. After searching plenty for “how to place fins/finboxes in Aku Shaper” I’m not finding anything. I’ve seen in tutorials that people have placed finboxes on their design (or atleast there’s a little line where you’d expect to see it) but I can’t seem to find a tutorial. Am I going crazy?

If anyone knows of a short video tutorial on how to use the feature, or could tell me that’s not a feature and I do that by hand later, that would be amazing!

Welcome to Sways @Tom_delo

To access the fin locations in Aku, go to the board info tab and fill out the fin section. After that they should show up on the outline tab. In the Show/Hide tab, you will need the box checked for show fin loactions.

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