Aku Shaper quadfish template

Hey guys I’m sorry about my english I’m German.

I shaped my first board this year and surfed it in France. Works quite nice, so I thought about shaping a second one. 

I wanna shape a fish, for specific conditions, but I’ve got not enough experience with “Aku Shaper” to create a completely new template.

Could anyone send my an Aku Shaper file for a fish. The board should work in summerwaves in France and should generate much speed. Don’t know how to create a template for this in Aku Shaper, so I would be glad if any of the forum members could help me. 

Thank you :slight_smile:


make a template or copy another board.... some shapers work for a long time to perfect their planshapes and every part of a boards design actaully and I dont think it should just be handed over to learner shapers...I know files werent passed to me, had to shape many and learn, then surf them and ride them and go thru a trial and error process.....good that you are shaping but you really should do it on your own, much more satisfying too....shape what you like and what you think will work best for the waves intended, maybe get tips and advice on what works but dunno bout using someone else entire file......

Hmm the problem is that I don’t know how to handle the Aku Shaper.

I don’t want you to tell me your secrets in shaping but I just wanted to get some help on how to design the fish template…


Hi Storm-rider,

there's a great "tutorial" section at the Aku-shaper's  site.   here's the link:


give yourself  at least 4 hours of playing with the software and you won't believe how far you would get.

the software is fairly easy .

just start with the 6'2 board offered by the software and start playing with the points.

you can also image a board.  this means you can search the internet for fish pic's  ( google pic's is the best)  ,

find a nice looking shape\ template  and upload it to akushaper as a backgound 

 ( the feature is called "image board"  under "file'  menu) . 

 now you have to adjust the uploaded pic  to your pref' size ( once you upload it the software automaticly pops a small window with directions on how to do it)   now move the blue\red\yellow points

'till your board overlaps the picture. 

I hope it helps and if you still feel lost I'll send you a .brd file to your needs.

good luck


storm rider   you will learn nothing from this  slack assed internet doodling’

** pridmores  right  get in the workshop & make a template’

Sei gegrüßt;) Ich gebe dir ein Tipp

Check it out:) http://www.atuacores.com/surfshop/infos.php?lang=1&info=16&PHPSESSID=ebd52ff30514d4defc170ba822786e44


under Examples you will find some Fishstemplates

I understand your desire to short cut the learning process.

However I think to better understand CAD programs and to use them to make surf craft you need to understand the princables of shaping. Making a template is so easy. If you can't manage to do that you should just buy your boards off the rack. Or have some one like Balsa down in France make it for you. If you want to make it yourself you need to make it yourself. Sure everyone on here can give advice and help you along the way.

Here some help on my part for what it's worth?

Making a fish template instruction:

1.       Find suitable material such as 1/8 tempered Masonite or High Density Plastic

2.       Cut 6’0” length by 18” wide

3.       Stretch out your tape measure the full length of the template material.

4.       Mark the edge every 3” and take a carpenters square and make a horizontal line for each mark.

5.       Let’s say the proposed Fish is 6’0 in length x 21” wide with a 10” tail block for demonstration.

6.       Nose 3;6;12;18;24 - Center 38” from Tail - Tail 3;6;12;18;24

7.       Make a dot at the nose .2” from left edge

8.       Make a dot at 3” from Nose at 3.625 from left edge

9.                                 6” from Nose at 5.700

10.                           12” from Nose at 8.150

11.                           18” from Nose at 9.450

12.                           24” from Nose at 10.15

13.                           38” from Tail at 10.500 Center point is 2” forward

14.                           24” from Tail at 9.8000

15.                           18” from Tail at 9.0500

16.                           12” from Tail at 8.0500

17.                             6” from Tail at 6.7500

18.                             3” from Tail at 5.9500

19.   Tail Block         0” edge         at 4.9500

20.   Now rip 6” off this piece (Now you have the base to make your stringer and hot wire guides).

I have a batten that is 8 foot long 1 inch wide and 1/8” that I bend to the points and trace a dark line with a HB pencil number 4

I cut out the template once it’s marked with a band saw. You can use a jig saw if that’s all you have. I leave the pencil line showing while cutting. I true it up with an electric planner. If you’re a bit nervous you can use a sureform with a micro blade or a 40 grit sanding block and true up the template.

This will make you a one sided template that you can flip horizontally to get a full board. Latter I can show you how to make a flip template which is a bit trickier. This type is easy to make and will improve your board building skills.

For the profile you do the same:

Basically it’s your Rocker and stringer line foil:

0 Nose = 3.0 rocker .70 thickness

3” from Nose = 2.2 rocker 1.20 thickness

6”                     = 1.6 rocker 1.50

12”                   = .80 rocker 2.00


18”                   = .40 rocker 2.20

24”                   = .10 rocker 2.40

39.8” CP          = 0.0 rocker 2.50

24” from Tail  = .60 rocker 2.20

18”                   = 1.00 rocker 2.00

12”                   = 1.50 rocker 1.70

6”                     = 2.10 rocker 1.30

3”                     = 2.50 rocker 1.10

0” Tail              = 2.90 rocker 0.80


The scrape piece from the template is used for the rocker profile. Lay the profile on your hotwire guide material and trace with a HB #4 Pencil deck first. Then Lower the profile pattern ¾” and trace bottom rocker. This will yield a close tolerance blanks once hot wired and make shaping easier for you to obtain proper thickness foil. You can allow for less thickness if you are skilled with your electric planner?

This should give you some direction. If not I just wasted a bunch of time!

Now go and do the right thing!




Hey SD do you want to write a book;)

Listen to SD, he is always wright.....................................

here another good information-source

all about ------------------------


i dont understand your dilemma, your using a machine to shape your board?! the aps 3000 shows you how your board will look before you cut the blank, and if your looking for specific measurement, i agree with most of the others who have posted, it takes time and practice, what may work for others may not work for you... be creative, thats what shaping is about, otherwise you may as well go and buy a board from a surf shop and stick your logo onit...

And belive me, when you truely create a board that works without copying, its 100 times better feeling!

All the best 

“I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.”--MD

Not sure if he wants a Template to shape his own or an actual file already made?

I thought he wanted to shape it from A-Z?

I shaped a lot of boards the old way by hand before I got my machine.

It's really the root of all board building.

Don't get me wrong I love CAD programs and CNC technology and it's an art form in itself. However it's very important to understand all asspects of board building.

There are a lot of people that can build compsands however their shaping and design skills are not up to par. It's best to master each step before moving to the next. What good is a nicely finished board with a horrible shape? I don't want to point them out however you have seen them. Hopefully our friend from Germany will take one step at a time. We already have 1,000's of guy's using Cad programs that don't really know how to use them correctly.

Give me any file from any one and I will show you all the flaws in G-Code. Most shapers are in denial about how bad their files really are! Learn how to shape first then get into CAD. To short cut the process only hurts yourself in the end.

Offtopic: SD have you got news from your project XPS.....?

I love to use the aku shaper, and its really not difficult to work with the aku shaper. Ok may be not like a pro shaper but i think its suffices to design a good board. Just play arround and you will find quickly all functions that you need for an good shape.

Just copie the surfboard construction PDF sizes to your aku shaper, printing it out and draw it on the blank, Wire the rockerline a keep going...................thats it.

But the easiest way is, to get an good file from a good shaper;););)

I got slammed with board orders. Once I get my orders out of the way I will start. I'm also waiting the delivery of some new foam materials to incorporate with the XPS. In about a week I will start. Short Video Clip to follow.


dont forget to show something about your project!;)


I just started working with this program, and am really curious to see how it works out. :)