Aloha Airlines

Howzit jc9, Aloha also has people working in other jobs that service other airlines. Probaly things like food preparation and such, there's been so many articles in the Advertiser lately since the shut down.This is why Aloha had so many employees.Aloha,Kokua

Howzit SharkCountry, Remember when Govenor Arioshi (spelling) wanted to put a cap on the population of Hawaii, to bad he couldn’t put that into effect. Wouldn’t have all these people who don’t respect the Hawaiians or their culture. I have lived with Hawaiians for many years and have a local from Molokai living with us now. Like the stories you posted, very interesting.Aloha,Kokua

So you want to have everything like it was in 1960?

The Kapu system which you seem to praise was the most barbaric governance of Hawaii ever. Thankfully 1 Hawaiian man, Henry Opukaha‘ia changed everything. So if you have to blame someone that would probably be the one.

Kokua, Population control is a communist idea and that governor must have been a real piece of work.

From where I look things are great here. I appreciate having the piece of mind that I can get sick, have a heart attack, stroke, drug over dose, go into a diabetic coma, auto accident and an ambulance will come and pick me up and take me to a hospital to be healed. All the niceties of civilization do have a downside I guess, but the benefits outweigh any of those things you find unbearable. We live in the most free country in the world, have access to everything and all I hear is complaining.

sorry guys, my cup is half full on most everything and this airline deal is going to benefit our State much better than when aloha was mismanaging things. Sentiment aside, their time had come to move aside.

You can have the last word, I am finished with this topic.

I always flew on the cheap, which met ATA. I heard today that they have also ceased operations. I flew Aloha a few times last year(Inter-island and Mainland). The Aloha tickets were free because I did some work for a friend who was an employee(now former). Southwest, Continental, Delta and United all had numerous planes grounded yesterday by the FAA due to poor maintenance and falsified maintenance reports. “Whistle blower” employees divulged this info to the FAA. The real story about Aloha is the high priced CEO hired and new overpriced planes purchased by Aloha recently. Frontier(Go) would have GONE eventually if Aloha had mananged its business operations in a resposible manner. ALL of this points to the irresponsible policies of the Busch administration. High fuel prices(and high oil company profits) When are those a$$#0le$ in DC going to wake up?

Aloha Kokua,

I was a news cameraman when Ariyoshi was in his second term. I always liked the way he looked towards the future and tried to do things that would leave a positive end result. I respect that he left office with a healthy surplus of revenue. Of course, our only Hawaiian Governor blew that before leaving office.

Over the years I’ve learned that there are a lot of people that come here from far away places and meld into our world so well. There are also those that come here and expect to change this place so it can be just like where they came from, but with better weather. And there are a lot of Hawaiian people who only care about themselves.

I have family on Molokai, and I have a lot of friends who are born and raised there. That island is the best as far as I’m concerned. That island has shown me what true aloha is. They are strong people and I hope they get through this fight without too many scars. It’s sad that they are going to be cut off from the west side now. Talk about having the freedom to go anywhere you want. We have native gathering rights, but I think that will be the next challenge on Molokai.

As we are into the Merry Monarch weekend, we should be thinking about the folks in Maunaloa town, it’s not too far away from where the Hula was born.

To clear a few things up…

The Kapu system was brought down by Queen Kaahumanu. It was a power grab because the women Alii were never as powerful as the men. By destroying the Kapu system she was able to become the most powerful person in the Monarchy. Henry Opukahaia was a great man, but he didn’t end the Kapu system. Because of people like Henry, Hawaii had something like an 80% or 90% literacy rate, and this was back in the early 1800’s. Henry also loved his homeland dearly. Unfortunately he died on the mainland.

In the coming months we may see hotel workers getting laid off, or at a minimum losing hours to stay employed. That will have a trickle down effect to everyone else. We used to worry about United Air going under. This is just as bad.

To OTAY, I never intended to get into a pissing match, but this is my home, and I will always defend it. I’m sure you’re a good person, may god bless you, and help you understand why the Hawaiian people have been fighting for sovereignty.

Howzit SharkC, My hawaiian friend is an Ainoa and his family owned the only appliance store and repaired appliances and TV’s. But they closed down a few years ago. Aloha,Kokua

Howzit OTAY, I guess you weren’t in Hawaii while Ariyoshi was in office, he was a great Govenor and like SharkC said he had an eye for the future. Don’t know if you spend more time in Ventura or Wailua but we are see what has been happening here and our islands can only handle so many people. Just look at the traffic problems on Oahu, our infrastructure is pushing the limits and this is what Ariyoshi could see would happen, he was not thinking communisim, just being a realist. As for the Airlines, let’s just wait and see what happens to the fares after April 8th when their current fare deals end.Aloha,Kokua

Howzit Kokua,

My Dad knew some Ainoas but I think they were from Nanakuli, or Kauai. He used to talk about a Danny Ainoa. He also said the late Gladys Brandt was an Ainoa. I think she was Danny’s sister. I used to live a couple of floors below Gladys at 1350 Ala Moana. The building on the corner of Piikoi St and Ala Moana Blvd. The ocean was right across the street, and from every room I could see all of Waikiki. Some of the best south shore surf was right in my backyard.

Gladys Brandt’s grandson Chris Conant is my classmate from school. I think he is originally from Hanalei. I miss Gladys, she was always so nice to us and have something funny, a bit naughty, but very wise to say.

We are related to some of the Puaas through the Heu family. My cousin Kimo Farm was married to one of the Duduoit girls and lived on Molokai for a while, but he died a couple of years ago. We get plenty classmates from Molokai with names like Duvachelle, Brito, Blevins, Chow, Manuel, Friel, Domingo.

We get plenty friends on Kauai too. You might know one of my good friends on Kauai, Kamuela Aea. He is married to Laola Lake and seems to know everyone. I think our other classmate Dean Lake is from the Hanalei side too. Part of my Hawaiian blood is from the Kahalewai family from the Waimea side of Kauai.

Howzit SharkC, Have known Laola Lake since 72, before she married Keone. Did you know Keone passed away last year, such a shame. Aloha,Kokua

I met Laola threw Kameula, but the funny thing is that her Grandaunt was my Dad’s classmate. I knew her Grandaunt through my Dad, her name is also Laola, and she’s a big wig in the Catholic church somewhere on the mainland.

Laola’s Dad, Tommy used to work for the company I work for. His new wife (widow) and I are friends.

Us Hawaiians are all connected one way or another.

ALOHA aloha.