Aloha all - Fish #2 and some questions to go with it!!

Aloha again.

Board #2 is done. Very similar to the first for those of you who remember, but much more refined in my opinion. Rode it in solid overhead surf the other day and it held up well. Made the drops no peobnlem. And there were guys out on gunny lookin’ shortboards. Frickin South Shore. :slight_smile: Rode it in chest-head high surf the day after and the thing paddles so much more easy than #1 even though it’s the same basic dimensions. Seems like the extra attention to detail on the bottom paid off. I do have a few questions on the board itself, so feel free to respond if you like. I got plenty of help after my first shape, so I hope I get some more to make the next board even better.

First, the board seemed a bit sticky on that first day. Hard to put into words, but the rail seemed to really dig and catch, sending me flying off the front of the board. Could it be due to much more hard edge that I left on it? It might extend too far beyond the fins. Not sure. I also notices a little too much of a buildup of the hot and gloss coat on the tips maybe throwing off the rail curve. I smoothed it off a little after that 1st day, and didn’t seem to notice it as much that second day. Maybe it was just a mental thing. Could it be because the bottom is a single to double rather than single to vee like the first? I haven’t made enough boards to really notice these subtle differences in the bottom contours while riding them.

Also, to get that red as dark as it is, I had to put 3 coats of lam resin on the deck cloth. So I glassed in the 4oz deck as usual…looked bad because it was basically pink and since I q-celed a few dents to hopefully make it come out better (now I know qcel doesnt absorb tint like foam), did another coat…looked worse, did a 3rd (all without layers of glass). Is this going to make the resin more likely to crack on the deck? There is a layer of 6oz on top, but I was just scared with all the lam resin I was throwing on the thing. Came out looking good though.

I still couldn’t get the tips to wrap nicely when lamming on the cloth, so they are a little rigged, but you cant notice.

Thanks all for your help. I’m currently now on the East Coast praying for some waves. The frickin airline put a ding in the bottom of it on the trip over! I paid 80 bucks for someone to ding my board. What’s up with that??

Looking forward to the feedback. Thanks in advance.




Nice looking stick !!!

I’m 1/2 way thru my 1st & if it comes out

anywhere near as good I’II be one stoked dude.


wow , that looks a really nice board Josh !!

…same fins and placement as your first one ?

Is it exactly the same dimensions as your first fish… or a bit longer / wider / thicker ?

… What will your next shape be , I wonder ? [You’re HOOKED now mate …looks like there’s no escape !!]


I heard red tint has a tendency to be a bit pink at times if not enough mixed .

Never mind … IF it fades , just tell people it’s one of Peter Townend’s old boards …e-bayers would probably pay you $800usa for it then ! [kidding …kinda!]


What kinda bottom contours do you have on your fish ??



Yes Chip…the dimensions are exactly the same. Even thought the overall dimensions are the same, that’s about all that’s similar. The rails are much different than the 1st, and the bottom is totally different. It’s a deep single concave to double, with I think a little bit of vee from the fins back. I spent much more time on the concave, and the board paddles MUCH easier than the 1st. And no, the fins are pushed back a half inch relative to the 1st one, toed in the same but canted at 3 deg. instead of 5. Can’t wait to ride it in some RI surf. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
