Aloha. Need some pics on the internet...

I need something surf and shaping related for a webpage I’m putting up. Something kind of soulful, but still blatantly surf related. I’m thinking maybe a sunset on a beach with a beat up board in the foreground. I’ve been scouring the net, but I figure someone on this board might have something like that already. Lemme know guys.

ALSO! I paddled out yesterday on my fish, and I dont think I’m quite ready to be surfing again just yet :stuck_out_tongue: hehe



heres a couple of cool pictures but …might not be exactly what your after ,who knows.

you are in Southern Cal right? got a camera? that sunset tonight was fan-tab-u-les…that was the reddest sunset I have seen in a long time. take your own…it’s fun

Im in North Hollywood, kinda hard for me to take a picture of the sunset without there being some mexican gang murder victim and/or murder taking place in it. :frowning:


I’ll try and get you something over the next few days. I’ve got 10 years worth of photos and I shoot almost every day.

The Captain


Bryan, you’re welcome to use anything from my ‘share the stoke’ photo thread [ongoing]…


You could also try a Google search for images. Type and click on images. Choose you keywords carefully like “Sunset Surf” or similar. Hundreds to choose from.



Ok Bryan how about this one… …

Busted Surftecs make me smile

I know this photo has been touched with the photoshop because Surftechs don’t break.

By the way, what a beautiful bonzer quiver you have Shipman, i’m planing on shaping one.


Now THAT was funny…he said busted surftechs…he he…

Hey there’s no stringer under that glass? Wonder why it broke?


And their friends…