
Hello Rick, welcome! I remember being so fired up on the twin fins and then thrusters you and Topper were doing from the late 70’s-onward. Fine Foils! Thinking about all the guys of that era: George Petix, Bill Cogswell, Geno Combs, Tyrone, Shaun Styles, Topper, you and others ushering-in the next level. I was surfing a lot with Brandon Hayes on stand-up fish; then twins, then the first thrusters! Ha! Good times.

Topp’s using us for glassing while he’s here. I turned him onto Resin Research and now I know that the two of you will dial it in for the specific challenges of the tropical climates.

On another note, MAN! I wish I had contact with you when Grubby was doing the design work for the Hitachi 2003. There was a lot of discussion of shapers modifying their planers and your name came up more than once. Sorry I didn’t make the connection with Topper and you at that time. The exhaust outlet on your planer sounds killer. I am thinking of modifying my “modified 2003” to the straight up chute. Will you, Topp, or Sanne have digital picture capability? Not too hard to post pics here once you get them to the computer.

Anyhow, I saw the shape/glass area when I was there in Nov. and it should be great! Good luck with it!



Shoots!!! Thanks alot everyone for all the good words and good vibes! Big shouts out to Kokua- my neighbor up the road, mahalo for the intro; Ambrose- my neighbor down the street, who’s been my premier ‘guidance counselor’ since I first got off the boat; my classmate Greg Loehr- who is an actual ‘dang craze’; and everyone else who I’ve ever known, worked with, or made (or will make) boards for. Big mahalos! A hui hou! Aloha…RH

Howzit George, Aloha! Nice to hear from you. I just posted a reply to Oregon Peter with more scoops on the vac system. I’ll try to come up with a camera, cause seeing is believing! When I shape, I’ve found it’s better if I stay out of my own way, if the tool is more invisible, it’s easier to ‘let it flow’. Just hold on and watch the dream come to life. Aloha…RH

Hey Rick howzit? You get some goggles straightend out for body surfin’ - You were lookin’ around ambrose’s for some when we met. How’s winter treatin’ ya? I know you were waitin’ for the board orders to come in, and the swell to come up. Good to have a veritable master here. Hope you can hang with the wide variety of folks here and take the time to share your wisdom. Peace, Taylor.

Aloha Rick. Welcome aboard.