Well, thanks to the inputs of a few folks on another design bb I managed to layout and place my bonzerfish runners last night. Now, I KNOW the placement didnt wind up being 100% exact to Campbell Bros, standards and there are reasons for that but all in all I’m happy with the result…
To solve the conundrum of how to set the angles and get them right, keep them placed for the finrope and glassing… I came up with the following
I discovered I’d left some picture framing matting out on the workbench. I picked up a piece… perfect. Using the factory edge on the bottom of my Campbell Bros Bonzer, I marked the angle of the finlets on the chunk of matting.
I then cut that angle, replicated it with three more. Using quick-setting epoxy I placed a drop on each dot I’d marked for the front and back of each finlet per the layout Shwuz supplied, set the finlet in place, leaning at an angle against it’s own little matting angle jig. Within eight minutes they’d all set fully and the matting pieces could simply be slid away from the fin. Now on to glassing them!