Amazing stretch of coast on Google earth

Check this stretch of coast north of Fiordland on the South island of NZ. Never seen so many potentially great set ups so close together.

hey steve

i posted a link in the roy thread to an article about someone discovering potentially the biggest wave ever in fiordland

as stated by gary elkerton

i think there planning an event but are not sure if its safe for jetski rescue crews

Yeah Paul I saw that article somewhere else and had a look at Fiordland, couldn’t see any breaks there, but north of there, definately looked good, I’d imagine it’d be too big and cold and windy in winter, but in summer it would be ok.

youd be waiting for the swell to drop

long period swells

there looks like some amazing setups eh!

last time i was at anatori it was about 15 ft and waves were breaking up the river

stuff that

west coast is hardcore

if you were real hardcore

you could walk in and stay in the huts

take a rifle for hunting and spend the summer surfing,discovering and hunting

what kind of animals are there in NZ to hunt?

They have these…

never mind…too easy

Your right lots of lefts and one big right set up!

…ahhhh, nevermind.

Some things like this should be left quiet and only for the hardy explorer!

Hardly that unknown and as finicky a place as can be…but never the less, no sense making it too easy…24 of you buggah’s got the map though. My bad.


not me

I can see

clearly now

thet likely I

not to bee

hikin an trappin

and spurtlin’

oat meal in da rain

waitin out a blow

for mankind

the voyuer in me wants to see


then again

I could watch Butts

in the sun at a neighboorhood beach

with far less effort.

Is it true?

Bjorn was the first

to surf the Fijord?

what did the polynesians

call them Fijorts

in appalacia

we calt em somtin different

didnt startleblast get an award

for some fijords?

deep dropoffs

mean no closeouts…


is blacks an underwater fijord?

Plenty of deer, pigs, trout in the rivers… bountiful is the word that spring to mind.

You’d be doing us a favour getting rid of those bloody things.

My cousin and I never catch less than 10 fish in 2 hours every time we go out. But we know the spots of course, and have access that others don’t :slight_smile:

I’m hanging out to do a full surfimnavigation of the South Island. Been all around there before, but not in my surfing days, back when I was a kid.

I think we have more coast line than the whole of the US? something like that. the majority of it has never been surfed, or if it has, it’s not by anyone you know, or anyone who’s telling.

Dammit, I just pushed NZ’s tourism frenzy up another notch…

Nahhh, couldn’t be any better than the stretch of land from Pt Conception to the tip of Baja.

oops, just my American Peniuous getting in the way again! Our waves are bigger, we don’t have any sheep, and our women wash with real soap too! And, And, And we can catch 30 fish in 30 seconds…so, so…there…Beat that!

watch out for those kiwi girls

byo is my advice


i cant beat that resin head

you are undeniably exciting

I’ve got a Kiwi friend who lives in Wanaka, the spot near the coast on that Google map…They ski there for Chrissake…what business has anybody got being in the water when its that cold??? Far-out, this friend described her childhood town beaches at Dunedin in winter:- fucken big nasty Walrus’s and stuff. But there were some surfers apparrently…They must have had figs!

Personally I’m prefering the plan to bash through jungle to the coast in a tropical climate, avoiding machine-gun toting militia, Malaria and tigers.


dunedin is NZs premier wave zone

big, well insulated gonads for sure

i get icecream headaches every duck dive, up here in winter

Extreme cold or gunfire, the only way to thin the crowds these days.

Hi, If anyone is seriously considering exploring Fiordland, a surfer by the name of Colin “Collywobbles” Gavin, operates a surf charter out of Riverton, South Island NZ, I dont have his contact number however a message can be left for him at the Globe or the Aparima. Google Whitepages NZ, search Globe or Aparima,Riverton, Southland,you know, where all great seadogs have their offices, and ask for his contact details or leave a message. Colin knows Fiordland extremely well and gets all his charters back safely, it can be wild seas. I have had friends that have been with him and recommend him. Colin lost part of one of his legs in an accident on an oil rig in the seventies, hence the name that he is known by, Collywobbles.


Hey pinhead thats classic…

Imagine how lonesome you could be in the cold AND with a gun! Man, Winki at its best, all alone! WOOO…

I spose I’d better grow some figs for the cold again, I’m getting down there soon and 18 months in Queenslands made me…a Queenslander.

Anybody getting a good deal on a 4/3 and booties?


Yeah well, going from 19 degree water to 14 is going to take some adjusting. Figs will become raisins unless you get some quality rubberwear.