
so how gose it?

any OMG surf out east there?

worth hike hiking out?

ok, you know everybody here on kauai

would u know any colletors of surf stuff who want a

near complete colletion of surfers journal?

or a set of 3 Lighting bolts sticks ?

need $ for a car

Get wet stay wet



surface conditions are near perfect.
surf basicly lacking size.
perfect for watertime
on magnum boards.
black rock overrun by the throng .
mysto go outs behind the house
pronating 100yard whitewater vorticies
evening hightides stellar sunset last evening
after the sun dropped below the cloud ceiling.
surfers joournal a hard sell after
the bound compilations became availiable.
contact doug blackburn in hanalei
he is a great resource on all things collectable.
the guy that covets single fins but
doesn’t always wish to pay top dollar is
jeff weiss he is a fireman and lives in anahola
drives to housing this time of year at the appearance of a swell…

top dollar for lightning bolts contact randy rarrick
the auction in honolulu is coming up soon…?

I saw some body selling a set of journals a while back
dint seem like much money that they were asking,
dint seem like a viable option to raise $.

alan seymour ,weat coast vintage surfboards?

go to the original source jack shipley
he should know where the vintage lightning bolt money pit is…

you might do best trading straight accross for boards and mags for car …?

craig list it or ebay might give some indication of current value.

yesterday sold a 1300 dollar used three times handmade southcoast
9’6’’ for 375.00…sign o’ the times
new 500.oo? production russells going for 350.oo
stuff is easier to get than money.

trade even the people who have $ are keeping it in seperate pockets…
for as long as possible in hopes of squeezing blood in a deal…

luck be wit ya…

in times of no dough
even I am baking my own bread…


sorry about mispell your handle

and thanks for thoughts

a great help

get wet stay wet
