Andries Surfboards? Anyone have any info on them?

Dear SwayFolks-

Subject pretty much says it all. If you know anything about Andries Surfboards,

please post up. FWIW, the board I have questions about is the board that appears

at the address below: <–Make sure you have a “)”.

It’s just below the box of three balsa boards, the double stringer with the yellow rail

panels and large Body Glove lam. No, that’s not me in the picture, but to get a better

look at the board, you can blow up the picture by clicking on it a couple times. I’d

be happy to send along pics to anyone who can shed light on the the mysterious Mr.

Andries, shaper of this log of all logs. Between the stringers, it says “Dennis”, if that

happens to be a clue that might jog someone’s memory.

The Andries is a monster: 11’0" x 19 1/2" x 25" x 16 1/2" x 4 1/4". Even though there

is that old saw that boards much over 10’6" won’t noseride, this one does. And does

so con mucho gusto. It has a deep, Nuuhiwa Noserider-like teardrop concave that’s

about four and a half feet long. Extremely flat deck with a lot of kick in the last 2 feet

of the tail. Very full, up (think hull of a ship) rails in the mid complimented by a beveled

nose and and neutral-but-sharp rail in the square tail with a matching yellow, 11" glassed

on Sparky by Larry Allison (FibreGlas Fin Co. lam on the deck). Clark Foam (probably a

11’6 Downing/Velzy blank) with two 3/8" stringers 2" apart. It turns amazingly well,

especially if you’re not afraid to stand on the rail to bring it around.

Its just an awesome board. I’ve had some of the longest noserides of my life (in the

15-20 second range) on this thing. It used to belong to a Malibu surfer named Jocko,

whom I vaguely recall, but I haven’t seen him in a while. I heard he got a little grass

shack down at Scorpion Bay. Bastard. $^)

Anyhoo…any info is greatly appreciated. And yes, searches have been done on a

few engines (not to mention Sway), to no avail.

Thanks much!



Dennis Andries happens to be my uncle. He was a local premier shaper, glasser and surfer of the 70’s & 80’s. He once owned San Pedro Surfshop in San Pedro, CA. Everyone wanted to be a great shaper like Dennis, but there were few and far between. He occasionally makes a board now and then. Growing up in that time and spending many summer days surfing brings back fond memories. I would not trade them for anything.


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Used to surf with him at Malibu.....big man these days.... but with the grace of a balerina. Friend saw him on the nose at Malibu when his trunks fell down around his ankles.....lifted one leg to get his trunks back up.. like he did it every day...getting the trunks back up and completing his nose ride across the point.

Great guy…sure the Pedro boys got plenty of stories.


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Proneman, You are right there are alot of stories you can say about Andries AKA Uncle Pump. The biggest days breaking back on the outside when I was in high school in the 70’s, we had a swell come in and hit the point just right. That only a few dare go out. It was about 25 foot face waves and Uncle Pump got a wave from the mile marker, from a right point to the jetty a left break at the other end of the beach. He looked like a dot from the beach, never forget that day.

Plus I was lucky to have Andries teach me to laminate and pinline with resin along with making a complete surfboard, which is what I did working for Andries and his partner Stavros. Then learning to make fins to go with our boards, which later the fins grew into a busniess of it’s own Fibre Glas Fin Co.


Senor Toto/Proneman/Larry/et al-

Thanks for the info. Any contact info you’d like to send my way for Dennis

would be great, as I have a few questions as far as nose/tail rocker and

actual thickness (I don’t have calipers). I’d be happy to send along a few

pics if you’d like to see 'em. It really is a bitchen board that I’m probably

going to take out tomorrow. I’ve been really into a 10’6 Mitch Taylor lately

but the Andries needs a go.

Thanks everyone for your insights.


Hi there… I read your comment and I realize it’s years later. I’m trying to locate Dennis. He was my friend, from surfing Malibu in the 90s, and I’ve lost contact with him over the past couple of years. I know he was living in Pasadena a few years ago. I tried to contact him at that location but he’s no longer there and no forwarding. Any information will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Hi Wendy,
Dennis here. Been a real long time. If you see message me at my new Email address
Hope you are well.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was way out in the ocean. No body could paddle out that far, they all got drilled by the waves. It was a great day, probably the best surf of all time. I don’t remember a day like that since then.

Jocko was a real good guy. I remember when I used to go to his house in Lomita. He would shape in the back room. We were pals.

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Will do…

Dennis… I emailed you at the email address you gave. Did you get my message?
Hope you’re okay.