Angular concave vs curved concave

Anyone tell me pros and cons of an angular concave out the tail of a fish or mini Simmons vs traditional curved concave? I’ve seen several lately that have what looks like a single deep channel out the tail on an angle like a normal single, but with sharp channel style edges.

Its just a guess but… From my understand simmons are very high volume, and to reduce the volume in the tail enough to dig the rail in when turning would need a very narrow tail, or… Keep the outline and thin the rails, so they knife into the water, which is what appears to be happening. It probably provides a nice little bubble there on the tail to help loosen it up right on the fins.

It happens to be the same concave used in the Alaia’s which are finless, which is probably where it derived from. That sharp edge must also provide some better hold and act like a side fin for the last 5 or 6 inches in the water

I do use a pretty hard rail that extends farther than a typical shortboard on the mini Simmons, so agree pretty much with first part. So the hard angle might reduce looseness versus a regular concave?