o.k. I need a little help with shaping schedule.
preliminaries: I’ve got a blank, an outline cut out on masonite (mostly ready to go, needs some slight fine tuning), a couple videos, a couple books, about 75 filed swaylock threads, and some probox placement numbers thanks to Larry (super helpful guy - talked to me for an hour the other day about fins).
I also have some basic tools: 5.5" surform, cylindrical surform, standard sanding block with one flat and one curved side, long and flat wooden sanding block, a couple small sanding blocks made from wood with a 30 degree angle cut for rail bevels (stolen idea from swaylocks - think it was called “the tom”). Need to get sand paper, sand screen, and small block plane (easy pick-ups at home depot). I will be shaping at my shaper’s bay, using his racks, measuring devices and probably borrowing his spokeshave. He’s going to be out of town next week; I’ve got the key to his place; so, I’ll have access and will be able to do it up without being in his way. My goal is to be ready for glassing when he gets back.
board info for those interested: 5’ 6" twinzer - it’ll be about 20 7/8" wide at 3’. Nose = 16 1/2ish". Tail = 17ish". wing at 10" up from deep swallow tail with 10 1/2" between tips. 2 3/8" at thickest point. Was thinking of going single concave to vee out the tail, but I’ve changed my mind as of now and will go flat to slight vee out the tail.
I’ve got a 6’ eps blank from a local guy who makes 'em. I got a quick look at the blank today. It’s about 2 1/2" at thickest point as is; so there won’t be any thinning out of the blank aside from foiling. I noticed that the stringer is raised above and below the foam. (it’s pretty much block eps glued to a stringer with rocker cut into it).
Plan of attack/ does this sound about right?:
1.figure out where on the blank I’m going to cut out my outline (probably closer to the back of the blank), making sure that I’m going to have enough thickness towards the center of the board - all this while paying attention to the rocker and trying to fit the outline on where I’ll have to do as little tweaking to the bottum of the board as possible.
without drawing the outline, cut the blank so that it’s shorter, roughly the length of the outline + a half inch or so.
plane down the stringer till flush with foam.
tweak rocker as needed (hoping to avoid this if at all possible/meaning hoping that existing rocker will be sufficient)
take thickness out of deck as needed mostly in nose and tail, blending so that I don’t have to mess with thickness any more.
draw template outline on board and cut it out a little outside the pencil mark, making sure to keep everything as square as possible. Leave swallow uncut to avoid disaster. (do I need to do the same for the wing at this point?)
keeping sanding block square to the bottum, sand to the pencil mark, avoiding bumps and dips, doing the long stroke thing.
Mark out where fin boxes will be.
shape vee out the tail, keeping the area where the fin boxes will be flat.
rail bevels on bottum of both sides.
rail bevels on deck of both sides. Blend into deck
round out rails.
spend some extra time with the wings.
cut out swallow.
15 shape swallow.
16 touch ups and sanding.
Does this sound like the/a right order for going about it? Did I miss anything?
Comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.