Another Glassing Video

This isn’t as detailed or techo as JCs, Gregs or Bambam’s, but it shows a 5’7 fish with orange resin tint, cut laps, pin lining, gloss and polish. There is also quite a detailed Lokbox install with rainbow fins. Probably easier to understand than Lokbox’s vid. Somewhere in Europe, probably France, Spain or Portugal is my guess. 20 mins

The Link is hidden down at the bottom right. There is also a brief shaping vid of a 5’8 fish as well, just a few minutes.

A nice resource – thanks for posting.

the vac attached fin router jig at 6:00 is the haxx!

Really cool vid!

But did I miss something? When did he do the deck side?

Before the bottom or before fin routing?

I didn’t see any underside laps either way

Na, he skips the deck lam and lap grind. Wishful thinking maybe! Does the deck hot coat and/or gloss though. He’s French, so maybe he was busy attending to one of his mistresses that afternoon…

Damn! That’s the hardest part. I got all the rest of that stuff already. lol

Leave it to the French to leave out the good stuff. HA HA

I’m just kidding…for all of our French friends out there


I like these videos.Always another way to accomplish the job.I am old school and still have a hard time calling people with a sanding block and a computer machined blank a “shaper”.Damn crotchety old Geezer.Go ahead and hammer me now.

Yeah…I like the videos too.

Sometimes I like to see them to reinforce certain things that I am doing right, and also to get little nuances that maybe I haven’t gotten yet.

I may not be “old school”, But I certainly use old school shaping techniques.

I am always looking for a better mousetrap to enhance my hand shaping though.

I got a couple from surfding. Not major changes mind you…but little things…like putting a handle on the sanding block for better grip and ease of use.

And a couple others I came up with for myself.

I am not opposed to using the machine from time to time, but shaping is my artistic outlet…designing, sculpting, painting, experimenting…

I guess some would say it’s just cause I’m “new”…but I’ll hold on to it while I can.

Humble apprentice

the vac attached fin router jig at 6:00 is the haxx!

Yeah,anyone know how that works? It looks like it uses the same compressed air hose. So is it some sort of venturi type vaccum valve?

the vac attached fin router jig at 6:00 is the haxx!

Yeah,anyone know how that works? It looks like it uses the same compressed air hose. So is it some sort of venturi type vaccum valve?

LokBox vacuum jig

can't find the link