Another Popout Ad

Marsha may have caused  trouble with the parents but I can remember drolling on those pages of her in my high school library.

Oh and yeah when he was kickin’ Jose was not to be messed and googling Mozelle was out of the question IF you were old enough to be a treat.

Sherry Oh  lucky Capt Jack !

Never did get how the Calhoun girls did it! (cool surfing fam sans Pop?) I could only dream I was older Candy was hot!

Sherry was Mikes squeeze.     Later married him.      Beach wedding, as I recall.       She was, how shall we say…overbuilt.   Met she and Mike on the NS, in 1963.


Speaking of Doyle , I bought/ scored this new fish off a guy of craigslist for $300 and he said " it was too pretty to wax", I was like yeah what ever dude. I still haven’t riding or waxed it either a year later. I think she’s a keeper!

I got to try a five four fish on stand up, and man, that thing felt like a little rocket! I took it out at pleasure point. Those fish board floAt great if you gotta good one!

Got it wrong! Haley, always figured it was Jack!

Damn lucky Mike (Mikie) Doyle

   No…Mike Haley,  Jack’s younger brother.

Jezz Bill,

I am really on the wrong side of the hill!


How about we just do sixties girls, with or without surfboards?



From Australia, Tanya Binning

Trivial tidbit.

Tanya took this pic of Greenough

Surfboards? I don’t see any surfboards on this thread.  Maybe I’m just distracted…

maryann !!!


How is it that the water in that fish tank doesn’t spill out. (Magic)


Funny. I was looking at an old mag yesterday that had an article about Follow Me.They did a series of pieces with photos from the production and a travelogue, of sorts. This installment had Mary Lou, Bob Purvey and Claude Codgen in Portugal. Some of the earliest pics of Portuguese surf ever published.

found this…