Another Resin Tint Question

I've never done a resin tint.  I saw a beautyful Bing the other day.  The whole board was tinted with a very very deep dark Ruby Red.  The color had incredible depth to it.  How would this level of darkness and depth of color be achieved.  Is the tint put in all coats of resin including the gloss or is it just in the laninating coat?  Would the coats be done with different colors involved for example a dark purple lam coat followed by dark red hot and red gloss coats?????

Visited the Bing factory in Gardena several times recently, their laminator does an excellent job, comes up with some great colors and looks.  Keeps his methods to himself though… gotta protect his job.


If you are gonna do red, be generous with the tint.  It may look red in the bucket, but without enough tint you’ll get a pink board.

Its probably not in the hotcoat. The gloss coat will give that “depth”.

no tint in the gloss either just to be clear.