Another Rocker Table

Don’t post much here, thought I’d stick this up for grins…

Two days to build, most time spent waiting for glue to dry.

Yet to drill some holes here and there, and add braces at every third vertical/horizontal.

Original plan was to use a 2x10 for the bottom but couldn’t find a straight one.

Looks great Duk.

Can’t wait to see your first build thread.

whay bitchin.

the memory defines:strongback

elemental boatbuilding apparatus

genius build quotient

availiable materials divided by inginuity

kudos lad kudos.


screw fasteners on uprights?

or bolts and wingnuts on slots?

my beady little eyes dont focus.

hmmmm, that second c clamp on the right in the fourth pic looks a bit out of place. :wink:

sweet. Take your time sanding through glue lines. They can be a pain depending on the glue you use.

Nice workshop…

I have a friend that I met through Swaylock’s who logs on as DuckDive. He’s a great guy ,lives in North County.

Good surfer too!;


this is going to get confusing


Thanks gentlemen.

@ ambrose, screw fasteners on uprights were the original idea. Then thinking the screws might muck up the sides of the strongback. Considering using craft store axle pegs instead - still kicking myself for not drilling the holes before assembly.

@pompano,thanks for the tip about sanding. Since it seems you’ve done this type of glue up, did you (or anybody else) get much spring back of the foam?

Yeah Ray, can see the name confusion, sorry.

a thought,

slot uprights

14’’ throughbolts with wing nuts

and star lock washers

can get pricy get a good deal

two per up is more stable

set up for curve mas adjustable.

one bolt


head pivot ?oily kroips you could just keep goin on sophticatin this fine tool.

what a beaut.


I’d make that strongback out of plywood and at least a foot wide…Seems like it could go out of alignment being as narrow…

Also, I’d add small triangle plywood gussets on the vertical braces…They look somewhat vulnerable…

Overall, great concept and nice work…!!!..

Yes! plywood would have been much better (and probably cheaper) - for the whole thing - as none of the dimensional lumber had square edges. I had to rip one side of the three 1x2s used inside the strongback to square it up. Did pick out two decent 1x10s and glued them up with opposing rings, so hope it stays true.

I will add the braces.

Skip all the drilling and stick with your clamps. If it ain’t broke… your slots would have to have front-back play as well as up & down, that’s the hardest thing about rocker tables: as rocker flattens, your table elongates too. I love the clamps & friction fit, I think you solved a big problem by going backwards. Well done.

I’d maybe take a hole saw and blow some round holes through the strongback so you can poke bar clamps through to grab the legs from almost anywhere. Then you could add a base to the strongback as well and not worry about how you were going to clamp. But definitely skip the drilling, slots, and hardware. Its brilliant, as it is.

I agree with Paul about some triangular gussets on the legs.

if you use a pu glue, it will not slip. It also will be a pain to sand through. If you can see your blank shape in the layers (think 3D) before you glue, you can get close to not having to sand through it with proper glue strategy. I’ve done tests on some of the other eps compatible glues and they can slip in shear. Bottom line for me was I learned how to shape with the pu glued blanks and then bought a large block of 1 lb. eps and hotwire my blanks now.

I attached a pic of my first rocker table. Cheap and dirty.