Any new faces coming to Swayloholics this year? Or old faces that are returning after hiatus?

If you’re not planning on being there, you should be.

It’s a good time!

it's a thought.

if the creek don't rise and god's willing.........................


do it Herb!!!


Like Chris said do it Herb would love to see you ther Mark

I’ve done gorilla white or gg regular (amber) on XP, poly glue doesn’t attack it. Water-based white glue suuuuuucks unless your a gluten for time (2 days) and punishment. Many argue epoxy is the way to go, but my feeling is the foam is a lower strength than the glue itself [once cured], ergo, you probably won’t notice the difference. That said, a stringer made from door skin is pretty damn thin, maybe epoxy might beef up your application…

I just got a message from

No campfires or bar-b-que until the end of fire season.  Cook stoves are o.k.

Thanks for the heads up… I was planning on bringing a ton of firewood… scratch that

dates ?

sorry,i'm abit out of the bond in his last movie,"skyfall".


Maybe fire season will be over by then?

What’s up swaylocks, Kevin here…just started shaping in my garage in Oakland, got a few boards done and looking to really get going with shaping, all thanks to you all. Just wanna say this website has been a huge help and has really inspired me and broadened my wave sliding horizons, and for that, I thank you. 

Was curious to see what was up with reservations, my self and a buddy would love to come, it sounds like a great time! 

If someone can give me some info that would be great, we’d really like to come 

thanks guys

Kevin, I’m in San Leandro… shoot me a PM with you r number and I can call you in a couple hours and fill you in on everything

I’ve missed the ice cream headaches and racoons over the past couple of years…hope to make it back this year.

I guess I’ll toss this out.  When it was time to get a site my computer was giving me fits.  Anyone have room for one pick up truck, beer, ice, and a bunch of boards.  I’ll help pay for everything of course. Mike

hope to see you there Lee!