i apologise. im pissed off with somone else and taking it out on you
Hey Idler,
I saw a guy on a mat at 13th just the other day. Assuming it was'nt you...If I spot him again I'll see what he's up to, on your behalf.
Clear enough. Rather than hijack Bj’s thread perhaps we could discuss a question you posed - what evolution has there been in prone craft since the 80s.
actually i made my first paipo when i was 13 , 26 years ago. i rode my bike down to freefluid factory and got a jar of resin. peeled the glass off an old single fin and proceeded to shape the first double concave that id ever seen. wrote “the manta” on the stringer, and shaped a bat tail on it . glassed it with no one to show me or help me. glassed on two fins and then went and surfed it for about a year whilst all the other kids were riding mach 77s and channel bottom thrusters. i think i might have been teased a few times for that
I’ll take you at you word, no hard feelings!
Your paipo sounds cool too!
Cheers, BJ.
when i think about it i probably could ave got good money for that single fin on ebay now . i think it was a lightning bolt or something maybe ( cant remember) really good nick too. i was gifted it from a travelling californian
sorry bob trying to give up smokes
peace man
Hey I did that a while ago too, its not fun!
I highly recommend Allen Carr’s book “The Easy way to stop smoking”. Worked a treat! Best part is he encourages you to smoke as much as you want as long as you continue reading the book. Guarantee if you finish the book you’ll quit smoking and be happy and calm about it!
Nicorettes...no BS, just chew one any time you have the craving. Three days, three chewys a day. Carry the box at parties for when you get a bit loose-moralled...
Any pics of that first board?
Thanks Josh, I think it might have been a sways member! but that would be cool!
i could draw it from memory and post it . pretty ugly but went very fast and could do carving turns on it. surfed it mainly at kings and happy valley when it was there and moffats and dickies.
ill do a picture and post it tomorrow. i did another a year later and based it on more traditional bogey board shapes and it was a peice of shit. i knew a guy at the time and eccentric who was doing multi finned lazor zap outlines with complex concaves so he was an influence. i worked in his fish and chip chop as a dishwasher or maybe that was a year or so later. but yeah there was people doing bottom concaves early on in the piece
Intimacy or Evolution – It’s All in the Eye
the Beholder
Is your surf riding vehicle a “step
forward in evolution” or is it a “step backward from intimacy with
F&*k that horse-faced bitch, and every one of her snaggle-toothed, inbred, low functioning offspring.
A Descendant of the Hard Men
Óglaigh na hÉireann
F&*k that horse-faced bitch, and every one of her snaggle-toothed, inbred, low functioning offspring.
Och Aye!
G’day BJ, I’m a 'all forms of surfing are really wonderful- bodysurfer, handboard, tray, paipo, bodyboard, 6’6" to 9’8" stand up surfer who lives on the Bass Coast (near Phillip Island.) Bells is a fare way from me but I could make it over there one day.
My current favorite board is a 45x35cm tray, a few days ago I got tube after tube in 4’ Cape Patterson ‘seconds’ (think a cross between D-bah / wedge) the tray just helps you make more tubes than you would bodysurfing. This is also a good wave for my 7’10" Klemm Bell semi gun single fin. Similarly trucks through the good bits. It’s interesting how a 45x35cm super flexy rectangle of plastic can do a similar thing to a refined pin tail single fin???
All the best, Tom.
Hey Tom,
I’ll let ya know if I ever head over your way!
I saw the “fast-food and the furious” tray surfing video on you-tube. It inspired me to build my “guitar-pick” hand-board/paipo thing. It looks like I broke the first two feet off the nose of an alaia. It rides much faster than a handplane, but tube-rides much deeper than a paipo! I’ve been loving it in hollow dumpy shorebreaks!
Likewise, if I’m on your coast. I try to get a Winki / bells surf every year- so anything is possible. I could also con some surfing mates into a trip. I surfed that coast a lot when I was a teenager (80’s).
Yep, there is something good about a short handboard / paipo / alaia- I made my little girls a few paipos (1’11" & 2’2") and found that they really worked well. I think something you can get your elbow on increases edge control and reduces drag. For prone surfing, I use different boards for different conditions ie: perfect waves less is more, mush / weak waves more is more. The exception is in regard to long fast barrels- indo, etc. You’d need a bit more board to shotgun the sections! Remembering that guys surfed paipo in big Hawaiian surf with outrageous speed (and balls). I’m going to make a 36" x 18" paulownia paipo bullet- and see how that goes. Tom
How about some pics when you make them? Is there much of a history of paipo being ridden around PI?
ok here it is in all its glory. just a real rough sketch form memory. had thick rails, no rocker and deep double concaves through the tail and a bat tail. fins were little fat one that they put on channel bottom on the edge of the channel. not sure of exact postion but somehting like this
this board went great btw. lots of volume