any performance boards?

I’m looking for a performance board, but I’m not sure what to go with. Any suggestions would help. thanks!

Any surfboard, from 5’ long to 11’ long, can be a performance board, depending on the skill of the rider.

What do YOU consider “performance”? How big are you, are YOU a performance surfer? Probably not, since you had to ask.

well i was wondering between an epoxy or just a short custom, since i thought someone would have ridden both… hopefully… but i heard epoxys can break easy, but are real good performance boards, but i dont want to get a board and paddle out and break it. Im only twelve but have been surfing for like 6 years, so i have ridden a lot of differnt boards and want to see what this new stuff is all about.


well i was wondering between an epoxy or just a short custom, since i thought someone would have ridden both… hopefully… but i heard epoxys can break easy, but are real good performance boards, but i dont want to get a board and paddle out and break it. Im only twelve but have been surfing for like 6 years, so i have ridden a lot of differnt boards and want to see what this new stuff is all about.

If your pretty good go with the custom shape. You can get it in Poly or Epoxy (personal preferance) nothing more than that. Epoxy is a superior resin but not a whole lot of people use it.

thanks for identifying your age and experience it will have a heavy bearing on accurate answers…are you a beach zone resident or living far from the beach and surfing irregularly at different spots? this can make the answer focus in to a higherdegree of accuracy…ambrose…

As Ambrose mentioned, Charlie, where you surf and how often has a bearing on what you’ll want. Also, as you’ve mentioned, you’ve surfed a lot of boards - well, which ones worked for you and which ones didn’t? Which ones went like a bat and which ones were dogs? What worked in good waves and what only worked in slop.

If you think about the ones that worked well for you, think about how they worked well for you and maybe what they’d do and what they wouldn’t do. You start comparing boards and what they do - this one went fast but it wouldn’t turn and it had this and that on it and it didn’t have a third thing. This other board had that, and it turned great but it wasn’t nearly as fast. You start to put together an idea of what makes a board work the way you want it to work.

So maybe you try a few more boards, you kinda take notes on what you like, you think about it, you ask questions. Me, I find that it’s just about impossible to make a good board reccommendation to somebody without watching them surf and getting some feedback about how they like a particular board - and even then my advice is based in what I like, not necessarily what’s really best for them. You, well, every time you try a board you can thonk about if it works for you and if it fits your style and all.

You start putting this all together and you won’t have to ask anybody what sort of board, you’ll know it. Chances are, you’ve been doing some of this in the back of your mind all along.

Of course, no board is perfect. You get a good one, but you start to think about how it could be better. And you wind up here bouncing ideas around with the rest of us…

A little generic information: epoxy boards can be strong, they can be weak - depends on whether somebody made them to be as light as possible or if they made them to be strong, like anything else they make boards out of, it’s not a particular thing about epoxy. An epoxy ( actually, it’s epoxy resin and styrene foam construction, usually ) board can be stronger than a regular ( polyester resin and polyurethane foam ) board of the same weight, if it’s done right.

hope that’s of use
