Any Spray Guns Between "AirBrush" and full sized sprayers?

Can anyone provide any advice on a spraygun that I can paint “dinner-plate” sized repair areas with using polyurethane paint. Perhaps there is a high-volume airbrush that will work.

I will be using the gun for repairs only and primarily for painting epoxy boards. The gun might have to paint a swath all the way around a board at some point, but no really big areas. Generally it would be used for a square foot (more or less).

I don’t want to have to buy a large compressor, my space is limited. I am willing to spend some money as needed, although it would be nice to keep the total investment to a level that matches my participation in repairs (relatively low for now).

Do I have to go to something like an HVLP gun? Those setups seem very expensive. If I do have to go to an HVLP to match this set of criteria, can someone please comment on the minimal compressor size? I’d like to get something as small as possible.

I am not finding info on other websites that is answering these questions to my satisfaction.

I am a total and complete newbie to painting. I am eager to get some painting equipment and do some painting though.

There are no cheap ways around this. You get what you pay for.

the problem you will run into is that to paint large areas, you need air volume at the right / consistent pressure. So that mean a few things. 1) a little girly artistic airbrush, with a little wee willey compressor…great for doing flowers and little full color ponys. But to coat a board with a color you better start today cause its going to take you until next thursday to finish…plus you going to get drips and light spots trying to get a even color.

Or, you bite the nut and get a compressor and cup gun. You’ll need no less that 10 gallons, and a 20 gallon 5 hp is better.

If you don’t want that…then a HVLP is good. Make sure you get at least a twin turbine one, and a 3 stage is even better. The more stages, the better the atomization of the paint. The better the atomization the less paint splatter you will get. But HVLP throw a lot of paint in a very short amount of time. You need to keep moving pretty quickly.

Compressor and cup gun is the best, you can buy all sorts of cup sizes for touch up work all the way to a 5 gallon model., but it also mists paint all over the place, thats the beauty of the cup gun & compressor…the fine mist. I know this doesn’t answer you question. You want something that throws a lot of paint, Something that will atomize paint to a fine mist to blend colors…but is cheap? Keep me posted when you find it, I want one too.

Good luck

One more thing.

HVLP come with a compressor. The amount of air pressure a HVLP works with is something like 5 lbs? The one I have is about the same squirt as a shop vac. A lot of times I’ll use the compressor to blow the foam or wood work free of dust and junk. The pressure is so low that I can almost stop the air pressure with my finger on the end of the nozzle. But the air nozzle is about the size of a garden hose.

I’m in that awkward phase between having a dedicated shop and renting some space. I am going to have to get a compressor though, and a good sized one too. I’ve been avoiding it but your post, and other information indicate that I have to bite that bullet.

If you have any advice on a gun that it reasonably priced that fits in with the amount of paint I want to apply, I’d like to hear it.

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Trust me you don't want to go cheap. I like these guns the best and you will have it for a life time. Every cheap tool I have bought is just that a worthless cheap tool with no value whatsoever. Check out this web sit and get a good gun. I use Iwata airbrush guns for detail and Devilbiss for spray jobs. I don't airspray like I did years ago however all pro's use good tools. You will have more enjoyment doing a good job that just hacking your way through it. Resinhead is right about the cheap route. Especially if you are going to make a business out of it? What's a couple $100's when your doing something you love?


Awesome helpful replies. I am all over it. Thank you very much.

I just want to back up SD’s recommendation for the Devilbiss Finishline series. You’ll have a hard time finding a better value in a spray gun. I’ve got three or four of them, and if I want to do a quality finish in a hurry, that’s become my go-to gun. In the past I’ve been an advocate of Harbor Freight spray guns, but I’ve seen serious fluctuations in quality(shocking, eh?), sometimes finding them unusable straight out of the box.

Also, Resinhead is right on about the compressor tank capacity. Go with the biggest tank you can comfortably accomodate.

Another paint tip: All hoses are not created equal. If you’re trying to get a finely atomized smooth finish, don’t choke off the airflow to your gun with a skinny little hose just cause it’s lighter weight or easier to handle. They don’t need to be expensive; just make sure the inside diameter is 1/4" MINIMUM.

This is just my $0.02.



What do you think of a “minigun”? Something like the SRI630G from Devilbliss (or similar) seems better scaled to the amount of paint I’ll be putting down. I suppose I will call the distributor and hopefully get someone knowledgeable on the phone.

Now I’ll start a thread on mixing paint; I want to learn how!

I just got a HF HVLP gun and run it off a 3/4 hp, 3gal Black and Decker compressor. The gun was like 40 bucks and I got a 18 month no questions asked return policy on it for 5 bucks more. I know the quality control on HF stuff can be spotty (my HF sander brakes down a lot) but if there is any problem i can just bring it in and walk out with a new one. I would love a bigger setup but a) I have no money, b) I work in my folks garage and c) I need to pack everything up when I go back to school (my Dad has this crazy idea that a garage should be kept clean). So for now this works for me and I didnt have any problems with it for my most recent project.

And yes- a paint mixing thread would rock.

You can use the one I showed you just use the smaller cup for smaller jobs.

3/8" hose is better than 1/4".

Strain your paint before you use it!


This directed at you…just in the general area. There a saying that Jim Phillips throws around here from time to time that is fitting for this post. it goes something like this, “poor folks can’t afford cheap tools”.

I’ve had my Fuji HVLP for about 15 years, never mises a beat. I don’t know about the harbor freight stuff, because anytime I see plastic parts in a sprayer I just run away. What could be worse, having your spray gun crap out right in the middle of a big $$ job…and you thinking “Oh, no problem…I spent my $5.00 so I can return this POS and get a new POS, that will eventually crap out in the middle of another big $$ project?” Sweet…all that for $5.00 what a deal!

Nope, I just eliminate the variables. Time is money even if your a home do it yourselfer kind of guy, or unemployeed, of a fulltime student living with your moms ex DUI lawyer… it just doesn’t matter. Look on Craigslist for used gear, but always buy quality.

This goes for all things in life, confuso Resinhead, “he who buy quality never aim spray paint at wife cat”

LVLP requires less air compressor than a HVLP gun.

I love my LVLP gun. It never runs out of air with my 110v 15A compressor.

What is the make and model Dwight?

Here it is. Model 92841-6VGA, but the CFM shown on the web site doesn’t match what it says on the box. On the box is says something like 4 or 5 CFM, as I recall. Box was thrown out. I’m positive CFM requirement is wrong on web site.

It also says to use about 45 psi in the manual. That’s what I use.

LVLP cool…just make sure you buy a prety good one. The ones from Harbor Freight spit paint out in chunks. Plus you have to thin out the paint so much that it’s like painting with water colors.

I guess my harbor freight gun was a good one. I spray latex at full thickness like a pro.

I was looking at the Fuji Mini Mite 3. It is about $470 bucks. It is what I am thinking might suit my needs and provide the quality, which I agree is paramount. As reasonable as that price may be I still might have to start an earnest Craigslist search and wait till I can find a complete unit for $300.00.

I am having a DEVIL of a time figuring out what I am going to do about paint. I am going to mix it myself, but how am I going to get hold of small quantities of the colors I have to mix? Sure I can go and buy a quart of a specific color; but how many colors am I going to need to buy and at what cost?

I’ve had folks recommend PPG, OMNI, Valspar, and Awlgrip. PPG seems very expensive and I don’t yet know if the paint can simply be mixed or if there is some pigment that needs to be used. My local supplier of Valspar offered to blend up a pint for me, using his pigments, but then I have a whole can of something that is blended to match a specific color.

Ideally I’d find something that I can buy in pints, that I can buy in the colors needed to mix up most anything, and a can of white for pastels and that would be that. I’m looking at polyurethane because I’ve read that it is what the epoxy popout boards (surftech) are typically painted with.

Does a polyurethane paint exist that can be purhcased in small cans with the grand total coming to less than a couple of hundred bucks so that I would have all of the primary colors? Ideally I’d be able to purchase a dozen cans of paint and from then on I could mix (probably not match though) to my hearts content.

I don’t want to be rude, however your thinking way too much. I gave you some good advice now you want to buy a gun that cost twice as much? You complain about paint cost? Why even make a business out of it if your lost to begin with? Work under a pro then go off on our own. Good Luck!

You aren’t being rude. I don’t mean to burden the forum with mountains of amatuerish questions either. I want to learn more about composites construction, and painting and such; my surftech boards are a good place to start. If I do a good job of it, I’d like to do it for others.

I do want to become more capable, but I don’t really think I’m going to make any living through it.

I’m wanting to build some fairings for an electric trike project too, so I"m thinking the critical mass I build in terms of board repair is going to help there as well.

Thanks for your advice

I’ve always liked my Binks Cub SLG. You can usually find them for about $300 online. Most people dont have a 10+ CFM compressor in their garage though. If you are only doing 1 board at a time you could probably squeak by with a cheap compressor, but its going to be running a lot and you are going to have to wait for the tank to fill occasionally.

There is also a bunch of HVLP turbine setups you can buy for less then $200 with the turbine. Good for garage use and not much overspray, which is the primary reason to use a HVLP in the first place. Cleaner and less waste.
