""""""""""""Any Thing but Three event"""""""""""""""""

Thanks to all who showed up and put there money where there mouth is.

It was a fun time !

What a collection of stix !

It would have taken me at least a week just have ridden 1/2 of the boards there.

Thanks to Bill Thrailkill, Jim Phillips,LokBox,Stu Kenson,Hiro,firewire guys and the tons of others that showed.

I hope that this can be a growing annual event. Herb

ps…Jim/LokBox,Thank your significant other for the food…At that very point, it was a God Send.

Lotsa boards being swapped in the lineup. Nice vibe in the water too, especially since it was so crowded. Pretty darn fun. Wished I could have stayed longer. Ditto on doing it every year…


Nice to see you again.

I didn’t get a heck of alot of waves in, but I did test the “TankBuster” out and it lived up to it’s name +++++.

It was great talking w/ Guy Takayama.I haven’t seen him in like 18 years.We use to surf quite frequently together.It made up for the world’s longest flatspell/lull in recent time.

Can’t wait for BigSur.Herb

…sounds great !

any photographers / filmers there ?



thanks for the info Herb…

i’m with Ben…

pics please

there are photos aplenty here:


see if you can spot mine in there :wink:

theyre with my big orange log with the light blue bottom…its in a few different photos.

it was a fun event, cool to see so many boards and builders sharing their craft!

more here too


Hey Herb! . . . Yeah I only had time to fry the firewire . . . .as in my previous firewire review, it wasn’t what I hoped for.

Other than that it was great seeing you, Jim P, Bill, lee v, Loxbox, listening to bunch of other shapers and surfers talk boards and thanks Lox for the free g00dies.

Nice, and even the zoo line up was nice even. there was few h0tties too.

Hello Folks

I wish I could have meet everyone during the event (and rode more boards…LOL).

I was dead beat tired after the 3rd session.

Good time had by all.



Thanks for the photo links. That looked like a great day.

WHAT inspirational boards!! Wish I had more time to have a go at stuff like that.

That slideshow on 70percent is THE way to see that event ! Some sick sick craft on display. Where were the hulls, though? Only saw the Josh and the bonzer-hull amalgam.

SG80 – you gonna start a friggin thread here for your amazing new HULL or what?!

Man! Come on! Thing’s artwork!


Herb, Looks like you had a good event congrats also enjoyed looking at the photos from surferguy80, nice boards. Mahalo

What a great looking collection of boards. Looked like loads of fun.

Whose compsands in photos 56 & 57?

“Where were the hulls…?”

They were there, only just outside the surfermag cool zone so no photos. A couple of folks tried my point breaker. Too bad I had to leave so early.

I saw Ryan’s fish and bonzer…really nice stuff. Pretty amazing considering the number of boards he’s done. Nice Shipman vibe to them.

The mags control what they want you to see…like cropping a picture and framing it, leaving out the rest.

Like we don’t exsist…lol…LONG LIVE THE INTERNET !!!

Hi Lee

I heard from Peter on Monday that you where there.

I would have been into trying your point breaker.

What size is it?


“Where were the hulls…?”

They were there, only just outside the surfermag cool zone so no photos. A couple of folks tried my point breaker. Too bad I had to leave so early.

I saw Ryan’s fish and bonzer…really nice stuff. Pretty amazing considering the number of boards he’s done. Nice Shipman vibe to them.

Yep, would have been nice to meet you. I would meet people and get their names but not connect it with their “handle”. We’ll all have to wear name tags next time! Everyone thought I was LeeDD…Gotta do this again next year.

The Point Breaker is 7’2"

Hi Lee ,

Saw you in one of the photos!

Wish I could have been there…Maybe next time…


stoked on the event and everyone that came out. not to bring up the fish frye but this AB3 sure did have the same feel as the original fish frye back in 2002 at crystal pier, back when it was just friends with boards and roper on the bbq, who knows where thats at now. anyways, wish i could have had more boards and a chance to talk to everyone there. thanks to all involved who put it on as well! look forward to next time. leevee, nice to catch up!