Anybody going to the ASR Expo in San Diego?

All the talk about the surf expo got me wondering about the asr expo in San Diego. I was checking out the web site and it looks kind of interesting. Is anybody going to it?

Are only retailers allowd to go?

or can anybody walk in?

in reply to or can anybody walk in?

The security is pretty tight, but sometimes they aren’t paying attention and anyone can walk in. Act like you know what your doing, get there early on the first day, security is sleeping, or during lunch for security 1:00 2:00. Wear a jacket or something as it could be covering your badge. Play stupid if they hassle you. As the show goes on security gets tighter and then you have to rely on the asking people that are leaving for their pass, this year they have ages on the pass so look for someone close to your age. Hey are you coming back to the show later?

what about the Agenda show same weekend San Diego

count me in !

I’d love to go to the ars show , I’ll be checking out these shapes VERY carefully !!!

…can I test ride ?

dyslexic neb

i personally won’t be there, though of all years this might be the most interesting. my roomie is going friday to the show and is involved in some sort of blank seminar that is happening- will be interesting to hear what is currently being done and what some of the long range plans are within the foam industry…

I’ll be making the rounds on Friday and attending the SIMA meeting.

Hi Tom,

Did you get to the SIMA meeting?

Yes, I attended the SIMA board builder’s forum. There were approximately 100 builders and suppliers on hand for the meeting. Bob Mignonga and Bill Bahne were there as SIMA board representatives. Gary Linden spoke first describing their ramp of of supply. Scott Sanders spoke second same deal accept that his business started as a ministry. The guy that started the clear poly carbonate shelled “pop out” introduced himself as a self proclaimed “Kook”. But, he’s got a production back ground in composites and knows how to make lots of blanks with consistant quality. Then George Mayou spoke about importing foam from South Africa. He’s got 5 containers in route right now and is Air Freighting in blanks as emergency stop gap. Another guy from France spoke and he intends to open a branch in California. The consensus was that there will be plenty of foam available by April/ May. But the quality, consistancey and range of models will be issues yet to tackle.

Greg Loeher then spoke about EPS and it’s availability and his production capacity for Resin Research. Another, engineer that lives in Maui and makes pool toys in Illinoise (I think) says he’s got an MDI product that they are riding unskinned sailboarding in Hawaii. Bob Mactavish spoke about variable density formed EPS blanks where you can get 3 pound tail area, 2 pound mid-deck and 1 pound noses. Some reporter started trying to roust Gary Linden for a comment about making blanks in the USA and then working with China. I believe the response was something to do with non-US markets (Asian and Europe). Bert was there and we spoke for a while as was Nev.

Mostly, I spent the day showing my Next Generation X-4 fins off to everyone and alot of the conversations evolved into EPS and new composites sandwiching materials and techniques. People are thinking new good stuff will come out of this. It just may be a bit rough for some for a while.

I was very close to going, but Friday turned out to be one of the few days that I couldn’t get away. The sima meeting didn’t sound too amazing. From your writeup it seemed that the first paragraph could have been replaced with “blah, blah, blah”. However, Mactavish’s multidensity blank sounds interesting. If I build boards traditionally that seems like it would be the best way to go.

Exclusive party for the blankless…LOL

Thanks Tom, good to get the insiders perspective. Although I’d take the stuff about there being plenty of foam by May, with a pinch of salt. What else would the industry say to retailers? - “we aren’t sure whether we can meet your needs - go off and get boards made somewhere else”?- nope the message was always going to be “everything will be back to normal in a couple of months” Whether or not these containers of foam show up is beside the point. Better to have plenty of orders and not enough foam, than to have foam and no orders cause retailers have gone looking offshore.

Actually, any board builder that showed up to the SIMA meeting was given a free pass to get into the show. Unfortunately, that was not readily known before the meeting.

SIMA did say they want to do a follow up forum on both coasts in a couple months to track how the foam suppliers are doing.

Yes, there will be bumps in the road and blind alleys. But, I sincerely believe that each supplier is doing the best that they can in their areas of expertise to provide options to the market.

You’ve gotta give these guys credit. They are investing large amounts of time and money hoping that their products will be popular replacements for Clark. Not everyone of them is going to win.

Dave over at Skaterbuilt wanted to drag me in, but due to my situation…He said there was more foam that ever…


Sorry to hear about Shelby…22 years is a hell of a long time. That’s gotta be tough. My thoughts are with you, my friend.