I’m getting more and more into the skimboards. We did one infusion with the help of the SP rep. It came out great. I’ve been building a few the standard way that everybody else does, but def. think infusing is much better if no other reason for the added strength of the laps. Just wondering if anybody has had much success infusing with RR epoxy? I’ll use the corecell, and the rep is pushing their LV infusion resin on me, but I really want to go with the 2020 or even 2040 with these skimmers. I’m still using my venturi vac set up, as I haven’t nutted up on a nice rotary vane pump. But I’m pretty sure for these small parts that I can go with a lower CFM pump from the auto parts store. I know, I know some will say I need to go with a Busch pump or something else really nice, but I’m sick of looking on ebay all the time and ready to get it going even if I go through a cheap pump learning. We used his venturi pump on the demo board, it worked but my compressor ran constant for like 8 hours and I thought I was going to lose it! So, any advice on the resin, Greg?
is there anybody infusing except bert? i’m very interested could you make a thread with fotos?
Tired of Ebay, blasphemy! I got a Gomco that is still running like a champ after 30+ boards. Adjustable vacuum, small, and quiet. Look for aspirators they are designed to run for days. Also don’t bother with a pressure switch, if it fails then your project is shot. I just let my pump run until it’s done.
Just found one for you http://cgi.ebay.com/amedal-Vaccum-EUS-Model-17U-suction-pump_W0QQitemZ110155222778QQihZ001QQcategoryZ11816QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem, and this one looks brand new http://cgi.ebay.com/Gomco-Medical-Dental-ASPIRATOR-Vacuum-Suction-Pump-ACDC_W0QQitemZ290144381154QQihZ019QQcategoryZ31462QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem.
This was my Swaylocks of kiteboard, skimboard building http://groups.yahoo.com/group/boardbuilding/. You just have to join to search. No fee to join. Tons of info on infusion and construction tips.
Have you called Astro-Too? I got a used Gast there for $50. They’re just a bit of a drive south.
Howzit, Drew…
Awhile back, Greg came out with a whole new line of resin, and if memory serves, I believe it’s specifically formulated for doing resin infusions. Give a look on the RR website…info should be there.
Thanks! I probably shoulda checked there first. Also thanks for the other links above!
duh! Feel pretty silly, but here’s a link for anybody else out there…
Those still seem quite viscous. I read somewhere that infusion resins were generally aiming to be below 200cp, though maybe that’s just for the bigger stuff like yacht hulls?
You had a look at the Andre DVD on infusion?
These are lower viscosity when mixed … 3 - 400. Also most people are getting the vicosity lower by heating the resin a bit. Right now these are about as low as you’ll find in a good structural epoxy.
That makes sense, a bit of heat makes all the difference getting the stuff to flow. I was doing a few tests last week with some resin that was about 350 mixed, went through plain cloth ok, seemed like it would get across a board using a slow hardener.
Any favoured techniques for the heat? Lamps? heat pads? just doing the whole thing in a curing oven?
There is a company called Shortbus Skims that uses resin infusion to build their skims.