anybody know what kinda fin boxes these are?

Anybody know what kinda fin boxes these are?  I need fins 8’ viking surfboard from Brazil.

Maybe these.


Close mine only have one screw in the middle, center fin is longer?  the one you showed take what kinda of fin?  Thanks so much for your help, should probable just put new boxes in?  Thanks again

They take FCS fins. And I’ve only ever seen this triple plug/two screw hole version.

Your triple plug/one screw hole and quadruple plug/two screw hole boxes I’ve never seen before.


It’s not those. I have a tropical brasil longboard with the same boxes. Each fin has a half circle tab sticking off the side that screws straight down into the green threaded piece. They are super weird, but worked ok. I quit surfing the board because I was afraid to break/lose such a unique fin. When I first got the board I tried getting more information on them. The most I could find was a Brazil website selling similar, but not the same for wind/kite surfing.