Anybody seen this Morey One thing?!.htm!_video.htm

Soft with hard shell, Boog vacuum rails, stinger outline, SUperOne has a small fin

Check the sizes!

I think this thing looks pretty cool. Would be great for surfing shore dumps or getting to those nice breaks that always seem to be in the middle of the flags.

It is actually a bit similar to an idea I have had floating around in my head.

That is to have the front half of a board sort of conventional with a single concave leading to that back part of the board

being like a McCoy nugget with a dome. It would probably have to be a single fin. The water would flow through the single concave and be released around the rails of the dome.

Could surf like crap but it might be worth an experiment.

adious, JD




Yeah, I thought about you, Benny

Hi Janklow, Ive always been sceptical of anything with ‘Morey’ on it, but Im a f*uckwit so who cares.

He seems to reinvent old ideas, claim them and do the least to reap the most, in the end the players are out there for the

Don’t confuse this with the department store Morey product that is a result of him selling off the boogie years ago. He made very little $$ off that deal. This is Tom’s own grassroots product and he’s got a lot of cool things in the works. Check out I think the One looks very cool & would love to have something like this in my quiver of alt surfcraft.

I dunno–I have an old issue of SUrfer’s Journal with him in it–he’s down with Steve Pezman–he seems like a real nutcase, in a good way, but missed the mark more than he hit it, except with the Booger–bit these things looked kinda fun, if you had a smallish wave with some push…

His “air-lubricated” boards made me re-think the Huntington Hop, I’ll say that…not that I like it, but I understand it more…bubbles…

Its hard to figure out what people are really like with all the media blurbs and crap that surrounds the industry icons. Ive seen a design similar to ‘the one’ back in 94 and I kinda think ‘its not the first who does something new,but the first who makes a big circus around it’, that gets all the kudos.

Im sure Morey’s a great knowledgeable guy.

There may be something too this. A bunch of little kids (6-10) at my jersey beach break killed it this summer on some sort of creepy thin boogie board / fish combo. It had a soft deck, hard “boogie” bottom, hard rails, and those screw in skegs. These kids killed it in the dumpy shorebreak on these things. Make me major jealous. Anyone seen these elsewhere???

i dunno. morey’s a genius & all but i’m not sure about these ‘morey one’ things. sure, they float. sure, they’re surfable. but i’m not certain they’re performance-orientated equipment. good for kids; that’s my call.

Performance is either in the eye of the beholder or the eye of ther performer…depending on your state of mind or whatever. So if you have the heart of a kid, one of these could be really fun. Pretty bomb proof and and “black ball” alternative. I like the idea of skegless surfing, sort of vaguely relates to Carl’s experiments…(no insult to Carl intended :wink: )


New to the forum so please excuse my sketchy knowledge… But here goes anyways…

The tail shape and rails on the Morey look very similar to one of Tyler’s boards that I saw a while back…

In principle I suppose its to draw water up over the tail. In Tyler case to aid nose riding buy creating greater down force on the tail. And in Morey’s case to create down force for stability (with stand-up) and trim to emulate a fin…I guess???

Oh and notice how either photographer Mike Kim’s lens is a bit skew or Tyler doesn’t want too much detail of his rail lines???

The rails on that look pretty round from the photos, where Morey’s rails have these pretty hard bevels.

(I was gonna comment on how that thing looks, but I have some function-before-fashion ideas myself)

I think the ONE looks like something you could probably get good at riding, but the question kinda becomes why.

If they were totally designed with bi-directionality in mind, that would answer that question for me.

That’s the big next leap for surfboarding.

Hi Jank,


I think the ONE looks like something you could probably get good at riding, but the question kinda becomes why.

For beating the blackball laws maybe? I understand the “One” has a model that’s right under five feet and no skeg. That should be okay with lifeguards during blackball season and the waves are cranking.

