Anybody still using Probox?... Want some gear?

I have 6 8* inserts and 2 of the inserts that make the boxes flat for no drag when the box is empty. I also have a bunch of spare screws…

FREE to whoever wants them.

I am interested, but far away, so shipping is expensive. Did you switch to gearbox?

Where are you located? Different country? If you’re in the US, I can send them in a flat rate box.

I have used Gearbox and I like it a lot. Robin is awesome, boxes are awesome, etc…

I have been on the 4WFS kick lately. Using 4WFS to tune my twinzer setups has been key. I use ALL the adjustment capabilities (Fore/Aft, Toe, Cant, Template)… 4WFS has it’s downsides here in the states. Everything has to be shipped from Oz…

Since, I only do personal boards, I don’t necessarily need a fin system that has fins available in shops. I make my own. Its WAY easier to make fins for 4WFS than for an FCS / 2 tabbed system.

So, it’s 4WFS for me until I get this twinzer thing so wired that I don’t need boxes and can just glass 'em on.

I just ordered some of those boxes for three new boards I am shaping. I would be happy to take those off your hands. I am curious as to why you don’t want these anymore. Is the Probox system bad or just dated?

Thanks, and my address is ******* if you want to send them I can pay you back for the shipping anyway you want to do that.

I don’t need the inserts, but I’m still liking the proboxes. I’d try gearbox, but I really like all the adjustments Proboxes have.
I’m digging the FCS H2 fins and I’m on my second board made just for the fins. I use less tow and no cant for these, and I’m really impressed with the way the boards work.
I haven’t tried 4way, but those who have seem to like them. Adding tow adjustments would be great.

They are yours Reedo!
Proboxes are good boxes, your boards will be fine and you can use any FCS fins.

My reasons for not using Probox any more has nothing to do with the quality of the boxes. They just don’t currently work for what I am trying to do with my boards.

I will ship them out to you ASAP. No need to pay me, just pay it forward.

By the way, I am gonna delete your address from your post. Best not to leave that up on the internet.

I really like Gearbox, also. Very strong mount particularly in EPS. Only downside is the two-step routing and you have to be really careful making the first cut as the jig is narrow and you really need to have the bit spinning before plunging. I’ll probably make another order of those boxes soon.

Hi! Do you possibly have any more inserts left? I’ve been searching high and low for two and can’t find any anywhere.