Anyone have Dental work done while in Costa Rica?

This is somewhat surf related. I’m in need of extensive Dental work. I been thinking of going down to Costa Rica do a littel surfing and get my teeth fixed. Even with Dental Insurance my share of the Cost will be over $6000.00 to get the work done here. Any recommendations? Looking at Dentist in Mexico. As well.

Artz - I have been thinking the same thing. I haven’t had a vacation in a long long time, and I need an implant, maybe two. I tried a few dentists here and got frustrated with the sh#tty attitudes and bad customer service, so I had a temp crown put on while I look around.

Surf Simply in costa rica posted a blog by a client who broke his tooth first day out. They drove him to local dentist and he raved about how efficient and good the work was, fixed him up in one day, and he said price was good too.

I haven’t looked any deeper cuz it’s prob gonna be a little while before I can get away, hoping my crown stays on til then, but it’s already been reattached a few times :slight_smile:

Anyway sorry I can’t be more helpful, but I have a friend moved down below Pavones, I’ll try to see if he knows anything.

Meanwhile maybe someone who actually knows something will do us both a favor and post up some specifics.

I’m told that there are several dentists in TJ, and possibly Costa Rica, that were graduates of USC Dental School. USC has one of the finest dental schools in the nation. Find a USC graduate.

A friend recently had ALL his teeth removed and replaced with implants in CR said it was way less than half what it would have cost in the US and that was including the airfares I think it was done over two or three trips , had it done in San Jose , sorry dont know the name of the clinic , he said it was full US customers , everyone spoke english , he is very happy and his new choppers look great . Some years ago I had a crown fall off while in CR the local dentist reattached it $15.

Here’s what I can contribute. I have friends that live there full time and the last time I was there I had a surfing accident and needed
surgery. (Non-dental) We went to Liberia and the doctors spoke English and were US trained and the cost was about what my deductible would have been here. Haven’t had dental done there yet, but my friends all go to San Jose even though Liberia is closer. Meza has board certified English speaking dentists from UCLA. They are online. I would go to San Jose if I needed another implant. I could get all my teeth fixed for what I paid here, even with my school district insurance covering some of the cost. Just my 2c…

Ok we are off to a good start here. Had all my X-rays done here at the U of Florida Dental Clinic getting digital copies to send of to Costa Rica and get some quotas see if this is worth doing. I have a couple of email exchanges with clinics down there. I will post up on how things go. I’m thinking of getting a wide Fish style Kneeboards for a Travel board. Then just rent a longboard.

Pork cracklings 'til you have a permanent solution. They are addictive. I cracked a molar in half down the vertical plane. Doc fixed me up fine with extraction and bridge. During the process I asked him if he invests in the pork crackling business. His response: “The members of the ADA have controlling interest”.

Good luck and I think you are on the right track. I know someone who went to Singapore to get a hip replacement because of a lack of health care insurance (pre-ACA), circa 2004. This woman was an outstanding rock climber. After she came back and after some additional PT, she repeated climbs that she did 20+ years earlier and it’s like she didn’t miss a beat. YMMV.

I have a few friends in the U.S. and they are amazed that all health care is free in Australia.
If you fall in the street and break your hip you’ll be operated on that day for free with the same A-Team surgeons and staff that do private insurance cases.
Free hips, free knees, free appendix removals, free teeth, free mental health, free hospital stay , free Intensive Care beds, free meds, free rehab, free home visits by physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nurses, patient transport and home care.
You have to be an Australian citizen and have a legitimate injury but it’s possible to live a long , happy and completely free medical life in Australia.
It makes sense that if a Government looks after its workforce then they can work better, longer, happier rather than create a burden for the family , then the extended community, that then becomes a burden on the government through reduced productivity for all involved.

It’s a dream country except for the plethora of deadly animals and lame hipster cafes.

Surffoils, I’m sold on the Australia model. Health care system. Lots more f Australian sky instructors work in the US I met one that had a very bad accident. Broke his femur. A nasty break that required a life flight to University of Utah Hospital. Had to keep him on oxygen for about a week. Every time he was taken off oxygen his blood level oxygen would drop. He was in the Hospital for two weeks. 30 days in Rehab before he could fly home. His cost? Zero. I’m all for universal Healthcare.

I wouldn’t try to defend the US health care system. It’s a train wreck. But, nothing is FREE. Just saying. Mike

Your above comment, make me wish that my plan to emigrate, in 1966, (at the urging of Kenny Adler) had come to fruition. Queensland was my intended goal.

Hi Mike -
Ain’t that the truth? Without getting too political, I think all of us would agree that the money has to come from somewhere. It’s simply a matter of how the spending of it is prioritized.

Its not all that its cracked up to be.
LOOOOOOOOOONG waits for non essential surgery.
Dentistry wait is very large my mum need a full set of teeth removed, has been putting up with them for years.
people travel to thailand from aus to get work done, some to bali…

You don’t even have to pay taxes to get the free medical, it’s available to all Australian citizens, so if you’re a surfing bum that’s never worked a day in your life you still qualify for everything and free accomodation.
We get 6 weeks annual leave ( 4 weeks holidays and 2 of sick leave)
And it’s a first world country a lot like the US, in some ways.

I don’t think that dental care is free in Australia. They don’t pay for early treatment, like fillings when they are still small. The free service seems to only kick in when it’s kind of too late: Extractions and dentures.
Even with private health insurance it costs several hundred dollars for an exam and a filling or two if you go to a private dentist who sees you without a lengthy wait.

Yes dental is a different scenario for government assitance, I think ( and I have worked in a government hospital for many years ) that the govt theory with dental is that all the minor and cosmetic work isn’t exactly essential to life, people can survive with very few teeth and the govt cant be footing the bill for minor repairs, the odd lost tooth or teeth whitening. It has to be serious and essential.
The tip is to get in early if you can foresee the need major work, there’s not a free clinic on every corner so you need to be flexible and mobile and get referrals from a GP or 2 and a nutrionalist indicating the urgency for immediate attention. And those referrals would be free to obtain. So have at it.
Dentals never cheap so it’s all about expediting a successful outcome through an understanding of policies and procedures.
The usual government bullshit but it’s still free in Australia.

I sure did not want this to get side tracked into an us vs. them piss fight. The fact is my VA health care does not cover Dental. I bought a very good dental plan. What it does not cover is shocking. With out a plan the cost would be $18,000 to 20,000 with the plan my out of pocket will be $5000 To $6000. Looking into getting work done in Mexico or Costa Rica seems to be reasonable. That same $5000 would get me a trip to Costa Rica and my Theeth fixed. On the other hand become an Australian citizen. Don’t worry Australian swaylockers. I won’t be a wave hog I pick up my own trash and others on the beach. We don’t need much, a cottage close to the beach. A good public Library. Colleen is an excellent cook, so if we are down there stop by for a meal and a Beer or two maybe a few glasses of cheap but good wine.