Anyone heard of a shaper named Sean Waters or 023 Surfboards

Hi, This is my first posting on this forum. I’m interested in buying a used board from a guy in town (Tampa). It’s a nice looking retro fish. I’m trying to find out some information out about the shaper who’s name is Sean Waters (out of St. Pete, Fl). I believe that the brand is “023”. Has anyone heard of the shaper or have any insight that they would be willing to share.

sean is a good guy . he has given me tons of advice about board building . i’ve never owned one of his boards but have never heard anything but good about them . he used to post regularly on the gulf surf forum . try searching that for 023fish for pics of lots of his boards . welcome to sways by the way .


Thanks for the info.That’s a really good lead--------Chris

hey chris ,

yeaterday i just happened to talk with someone that bought a 5’6" fish from sean . she was telling me that it ride amazingly . her only complaint about it was the pinline around the acid splash deck . also , i believe that sean only uses eps foam and epoxy if that makes a difference to you .