Anyone try Aerialite X?

Wow, that really does show.  Vanity over function?  Maybe I’m just shallow.  I made these really nice poplar-balsa-poplar stringers with my EPS blanks, but not liking the weave showing.  Thanks for the data point.  Was hoping to go light and pretty and strong.  I guess pretty and moderately strong and not so light is as far as I’m going to get.

Just thought I’d post an update on the Aerialite X I tried. About 15-20 sessions on this board. As predicted by some above. No benefit on deck-compressions. Perhaps it’s good for something else, but not worth the hassle for preventing dents. Recall this is a PU blank (US Red if I recall) and RR Kwik Kick resin, X on the foam and 4oz S over the top of the X. Notice the small hairline cracks in the X as well. Not leaking but this happened after the first or second session.

Not good. I would have thought the S would have helped. Hell I don’t get that kind of stuff going on with 6/4 E or Warp. My personal opinion is Vector Net the whole deck. I’ve had great luck with V Net. Tricky to put down and you can’t over work it, but it don’t dent.

Me weighing in at 205 lbs probably doesn’t help matters much…

With same foam to reduce dent you need to stiffen skin. Use stiffer material like carbon fiber or increase thickness.

That is unfortunate, but I think you did a great service for this forum by posting your results. For that, I thank you. I was hoping for better results so I could go light. I think your empirical data has proven that X glass really doesn’t really provide the dent resistance we (I) was hoping for. Again, thanks for your diligence in posting the information.

I understand It’s not xglass (biaxial stitch glass) but aerialite x a plain wave glass/Innegra mix. Flat stitch glass improve all performances but look.

as mentionet by lemat, the only common material that prevent denting more than glass is carbon.
all these tough to rip materials like innegra, kevlar or dyneema are significantly enhancing ding resistance, but they arnt adding so much to overall rigidity.

Make some sense. ???

Who wants a stiff surfboard anyway???

Jamie expériment aerialite X and he report no improve against dents. The only way to improve dent resistance without change foam is to stiffen skin. Even it’s possible to stiffen only under feet, board then feel stiffer. Do anyone want this ? Some yes other no.
Sorry for the basic language, my english is really simple.