Appeal to the compsand wizards

So, I am in the middle of a low rent test project and developed an issue for which I need advice.
I am making an “odds and ends” trial board for kitefoiling to test rocker and outline shape for a higher spec board to come.
The recipe is 2.7mm birch ply deck, 3/4” xps foam core, 3mm okiume ply bottom skin, rails to be wrapped in cloth and epoxy resin. Stringer and reinforcements for foil in the middle. The okoume ply is thinned out forward to bend to the nose scoop.
But it has a little concave forward. A hair too much.
So the hull skin took a holiday from the core where the rocker picks up toward the nose. Shoulda left the vacuum on longer…
Basically it’s a circular area of 14” or so diameter with a thin void of perhaps 5/16” max at center beneath.
If I had low pressure pour foam a bit of that might work, for a while at least. But that’s a $$$ boating product for a maybe 1 liter void, counter to the goal of this trial project.

Eager to hear any success stories fixing this kind of issue…
Thanks swayiockers, ya taught me some of what I learned the easy way!

Drill small holes around the area where the delam occurred. Use a syringe to inject resin under the wood then place it back in the vacuum bag to pull it all down. Let it sit for a while in the bag. I had to fix a delam recently and I did this procedure. I put tape over the holes before I bagged it.

You are one of the ones I hoped would answer, thanks!
With the current state I am glad I didn’t rush into the veneer/carbon/corecell version.
Hopefully the injection/reglue technique will work to get the project back on track…