APRIL 18th WORKSHOP - counting down


Left my numbers on your work voicemail, call me to firm up the carpool details.


Would you post the address in this thread for the fellows?

The address is in this thread with the list of names, 7615 Othello Ave. Ste. B

Bill- Just wanted to remind you that I will be bringing a 9’1" blank for you so make sure you have the room to take it home.

Thank you. I’ll have my truck. See you there.

Hey everyone,

I was really looking forward to going and meeting you all and learning what I am sure would have been gobs of information but I am going to have to fall out on this one.

I hope we are all able to get together another time.

Also, thank you very much Bill for taking the time to chat with me at AB3. I really enjoyed our conversation and appreciate the knowledge you shared with me.



Sorry to hear you cannot make it, hopefully everything is well with you. We’ll see you at the next one.