APRIL 18th WORKSHOP - counting down


Please make sure you have confirmed your attendance with BRYANT.

Confirmed Bill!

Anyone planning on attending from the LA area? I was thinking of getting a carpool together to save on gas. I’ll be bringing some blanks to give away so I’ll probably be the one driving. I’m heading out from the San Fernando Valley. Todd? Afoaf? SrPato?

Bill, I’m really bummed I can’t make it. Travelling up north again.

I really appreciate your insights and you’ve helped me to think about my shaping a little differently, to take things a little slower. The knowledge you’re passing down was hard earned so thanks again.

To all you who are going, take notes and report back! Great weekends to you,

Carpool yes…please just tell me that we’re not all cramming in to that compact with blanks too!

Bill, are there other tools that folks should bring with them to this thing? Are we all making templates…should I get the MDF?

I was going to bring down a bunch of MDF so folks would have materials for templates.

My personal choice for template material is tempered Masonite. Smooth both sides, if you can find it. I’ll bring my router, and plates, to do twin boxes for a couple of boards, if time permits. As far as tools to bring…just pencil, paper, template material if you wish. See you there.

Tyler- I don’t think you could fit behind me in that car! I was planning on driving my Explorer. I’ll get in touch with you before the event to make the arrangements.

Well, next Saturday is coming fast. This will be the last workshop this calendar year. Fins, Simmons, Templates, Design Principles. ‘‘Is there a true one board quiver?’’ Possibly. Just depends on the range you want to operate in. I’m looking forward to your questions, insights, and experiences. If we are lucky, Herb Spitzer will drop by, and share some of his years of accumulated knowledge. See you there.


Sorry about the delays in posting the most recent list and update (somehow were even more busy when things slow down a bit)

Here’s the list of confirmed (yes), unconfirmed - pending from the original replies (dukdiv, GTFD, KeithMelville, obproud & tenover) and the short list of those hoping to get in (at the bottom below #11 confirmed) - formatting sucks, check attachment

Although some suggested pot luck (no play on words), let’s all just pitch in for pizza, drinks, snacks, etc.

Here’s the list of what we have to use and offer up:

Shaping room with basic tools

Assortment of templates

wide roll of white paper for copies

Cordless drills and jigsaw

Assortment of 2nd blanks if anyone is brave enough to perform

Neptune has offered to bring in a scroll saw and/or small table saw and others offered up masonite, etc

We also have a Dixieline 3/4 mile north on Convoy

Thrailkill San Diego SURFBOARD DESIGN WORKSHOP Saturday April 18, 2009 9:00am to 3;30pm.
Location: Surf Hardware/FCS 7615 Othello Ave Ste B. San Diego, CA 92111
2yesCHarveyChris Harvey
3yesHerb Spitzer
4yesKawikaDave Falkenau
7yesneptune 197037Ryker Acuna
8yespresidioTim Ross
9yesslashzillaGus Hartman
10yesswiedScott Wied.
11yescuzLou Webb. (cuz)
Steve King
John Curtis
jeremy zagarella


I will be bringing a bunch (10-12) of masonite precut to 24"x8’ lenghts.

I will also bring my hackneyed jig saw and some other tools.

I hope that I will have my New Shape done in time so Bill can do the double route…time will tell.

turns out I will be out of town this weekend (recent development) so somebody else can take my spot… have fun guys.

Number 6, Ninthisland is a no, so if someone else is waiting for a spot they can have his.

you guys on the west coast get to have all the fun…

GTFD and John Curtis are the same person, getting ready to go.

yes, but apparently you are surfing empty waves…so it balances out.

Confirmed for this Sat.

Ill bring the donuts.

Also, I’m talking to the guys at Fiberglass Services about bringing down all those 5$ boxes of sandpaper, buy what you want and I’ll bring the rest back home.

They have a ton of it still left…so if you are in the market for 100 sheet boxes of paper for only 5 dollars, bring some cash to the party.

great idea … what brand, size and grit? I’ll let our SoCal Mfg Rep know so he can advise his customers too

Is there a list of shop things we should bring to keep the pressure off Bryant’s shop?

Afoaf - the sandpaper would be much appreciated!!

anybody interested in me bringing my long base skil 100 to try out?

The brand is Mirka…I think it’s from the eastern block somewhere…Poland or a *vakia if I remember correctly.

I got about 10 boxes of each 120, 150, 180, 220, 400.

Be warned, this is no 3M paper…I find that it tends to wear pretty quick which, in my opinion, is a bit of a safety net for me and considering the price, while I may be using more sheets, it’s definitely put me ahead of the game in terms of cost. I’ve stocked up on the key grits 220/400 and then have some 3M boxesfor the 300/500/600.

Whatever is left behind is being taken back to Fiberglass Services (Gardena, CA)…Ryan Patterson is the contact there if anyone wants to follow up with him regarding larger orders. They have a truck that goes to San Diego once or twice a week…I know they service a couple other factories between LA and SD as well.