Been playing around some with the aps3000 software, and was curious after looking at greenlights .pdf templates that are printable… did they use the aps3000 software? If so, how? What’s the process? And I guess, if they didn’t, then how did they lay it all out so nice?
I think it’d be really nice to have digital back ups of templates!
These threads should have what you’re looking for:;;
Also, swaylocks member ras_jahn can print them out for you if you send him an aps file; he’s got the equipment and will do it for a fee.
To get an Akushaper *.brd design into a full sized *.pdf template:
Design your board in Akushaper
Download this (Hollowboard template maker):
Help on how to use are here:
Run Hollowboard template maker (as downloaded in step 2)
Load up your Akushaper *.brd design
Do File->Generate Outline Template
- This will give you a 1:1 scale *.pdf file of your template
Take the pdf to any good printer to get a paper printout
- Kinkos charged me $6 for a printout of a 6’8" template.
or just use boardcad
its free and has no limitations in printing or export function and has a 3d as well
in fact it kicks arse
hey you could just go to the workbench
take a nice thin sheet of ply square of the relavant points throw down your
measurments spring a baton till all is fair cut out fair whith block plane
you are now becoming a designer ( not a cheater )
sorry for the sarcasime couldent resist.
darker than dark
Couldn’t agree more - the best way to make a template!
Actually, the best boards I’ve shaped don’t have a template… they were cut from a template but then shaped to what looked and felt right.
nay sarcasm. I’ll go ahead and point out that my goal was to make printable digital templates for backup. I have a very limited workspace as it is, even if I made spin templates, It’d ball me up.