Mitch- your not MY enemy (not yet anyway). But I do think that your association with board production in Asia makes you a pretty large target. In my opinion the whole Chinese production concept is predicated on building CHEAP products. One thing the Chinese are REALLY GREAT at is making something LOOK good (especially when it comes out of the box). Usually that’s where it ends- the Cinese products (generally speaking) do not hold up as well. Unfortuneately by the time this happens, the consumer has the cheap Chinese price embedded into their brain and expects to pay that cheap price but get the quality of a superior product.
Therein lies the real problem here. The American Surfboard Industry has really done a piss poor job of differentiating itself from ‘knock offs’. All the local board builders are very vocal about how the Asian boards are not of the same quality- don’t surf the same- don’t last as long. But has anybody rallied the troops to start a campaign to educate the consumer about why boards made here by Custom Builders are better? I think not. I guess that either the American consumer is supposed to (hopefully) figure this out on their own or doesn’t care or is just not smart enough to tell the difference. In any case if the consumer can not and is not being made aware that Custom Boards ARE better then WHY SHOULD THEY PAY MORE? THEY NEED A REASON TO PAY MORE AND NO ONE HAS GIVEN THEM ONE!!!
Finally Mitch, in regards to your comment that “LABOUR COSTS IS YOUR PROFIT !!” I totally disagree. Labor cost is your pay for your work-PERIOD. It sustains you day to day existence on this planet. Eventually we will all be too old/tired/weak/dimented to work and must have some means to support ourselves. Since virtually no builder pays into Social Security (I doubt that most pay any taxes of any kind) there will be ZERO $$ coming back to them when they are old/gray (assuming the SS System even lasts that long). Unless there are other profit streams in a business there will be nothing to re-invest in the company and more importantly SAVE for the future. WITHOUT SAVING THERE IS NO FUTURE. So to say that you should just be happy doing what you are doing is ‘polyanna’. It’s great to have a positive attitude about where you are at today but unrealistic to ignore tomorrow.
Nels… I did mention something along the lines of ‘lean manufacturing’ when I said that “Automation” could help but let’s face it- Boardbuilding is NOT aerospace. Boardbuilding is basically a manual hands on process that is essentially labor intensive. Other than using a shaping machine how can you improve effeciency? Even the fastest shaper has his limits to how many he can shape an hour. This is simply NOT an industry whereby you can reduce your expenses (labor or otherwise) AND increase your output (which is the principal behind lean manufacturing is it not?). Maybe I am missing something here but I just can’t see it working out that way.
Las Olas… If you in fact believe what you wrote “well there is the problem. clearly paying more for a board is NOT in the consumers best interest and there is no way to (honestly) convince them otherwise.” Then effectively you are admitting that there is no difference between what you (and other Custom Builders) are making and the CHEAP Asian imports. Can this be true?? God, I hope not- if so then we are all doomed.
There IS a way to turn things around but it seems that everyone is more focused on minding their own humble hermit businesses and “doing their own thing”. While the campers are all sleeping, the bear comes and takes all the food.